Detailed Translations for Schlappohr from German to English
Schlappohr: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- schlapp: faint; pale; weak; sick; feeble; frail; wan; ragged; wobbly; rickety; ramshackle; wonky; fragile; drained; languid; listless; washed out; lazy; limp; slow; sluggish; inert; passive; lingering; unsavoury; indolent; dragging; tardy; inactive; shuffling; tasteless; drooping; dawdling; unsavory; slow of understanding; dull; poor; stiff; clumsy; wooden; uneasy; helpless; impotent; powerless; flabby; abstemious; effete; gawky; lifeless; pouchy; unhandy; owlish; doltish; washed-out; not very good; no energy
- Ohr: handle; ear
- Öhr: eye; eye of the needle
Wiktionary Translations for Schlappohr:
young rabbit