
Detailed Translations for appendices from English to German


appendices [the ~] noun

  1. the appendices
    die Appendixe; der Blinddarm
  2. the appendices (supplements; additions; appendixes; )
    die Anhänge; die Nachträge

Translation Matrix for appendices:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Anhänge addenda; additions; affixes; appendages; appendices; appendixes; supplements
Appendixe appendices
Blinddarm appendices vermiform appendix
Nachträge addenda; additions; affixes; appendages; appendices; appendixes; supplements supplements

Related Words for "appendices":

appendices form of appendix:

appendix [the ~] noun

  1. the appendix (enclosure; supplement; annex; inset)
    die Anlage; die Beilage
  2. the appendix (addendum; addition; supplement; )
    der Zusatz; die Anfüllung; die Ergänzung; die Zufügung; Supplement; die Beifügung; der Nachtrag; die Erweiterung; der Anhang; der Appendix
  3. the appendix
    der Bilnddarm; der Appendix

Translation Matrix for appendix:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Anfüllung addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement
Anhang addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement
Anlage annex; appendix; enclosure; inset; supplement Attachment; asset; attachment; deposit; fixed asset; investment
Appendix addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement vermiform appendix
Beifügung addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement addition; addition to; additive; extension
Beilage annex; appendix; enclosure; inset; supplement entremets; intermediate course; side dish
Bilnddarm appendix
Ergänzung addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement completing; completion; consummation; fill up; filling in; finishing; fulfillment; fulfilment; new supply; realisation; realization; replenishment; supplement
Erweiterung addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement addition; annex; broadening; completion; dilatation; enlargement; expansion; expulsion; extension; extent; file name extension; fill up; growth; increase; new supply; opening up; replenishment; supplement; widen; widening
Nachtrag addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement completion; fill up; finishing; new supply; replenishment; supplement
Supplement addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement addition to; extension
Zufügung addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement addition; addition to; additive; extension
Zusatz addendum; addition; affix; appendage; appendix; extra; supplement addition; addition to; additive; extension
- cecal appendage; vermiform appendix; vermiform process

Related Words for "appendix":

Synonyms for "appendix":

Related Definitions for "appendix":

  1. a vestigial process that extends from the lower end of the cecum and that resembles a small pouch1
  2. supplementary material that is collected and appended at the back of a book1

Wiktionary Translations for appendix:

  1. vermiform appendix
  2. text added to the end of a book or an article
  1. volkstümlich: für den Wurmfortsatz
  2. Anatomie, kurz für: Appendix vermiformis, Wurmfortsatz des Blinddarms
  3. der Anhang, das Angehängte, der Zusatz

Cross Translation:
appendix Anhang; Beigabe; Zugabe; Dazugehöriges annexe — Ce qui est rattaché à un élément principal.
appendix Anhang; Beigabe; Zugabe; Dazugehöriges; Anhängsel; Appendix; Beilage; Supplement; Zusatz; Zuschlag; Zuschuß; Hinzufügung; Beifügung appendice — Ce qui semble appendre, ajouter à une autre chose. On trouve plus rarement son synonyme : appendage.

External Machine Translations: