Detailed Translations for deceptions from English to German
the deceptions (frauds; impostures; deceits; diddles; hoodwinkings)
the deceptions
Translation Matrix for deceptions:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
Betrug | deceits; deceptions; diddles; frauds; hoodwinkings; impostures | cheating; con; deceit; deception; defalcation; double-cross; embezzlement; fraud; frauds; mess; scam; swindle; swindling |
Irreführung | deceptions | cheating; con; deceit; deception; double-cross; falsehood; falseness; falsity; fooling; fraud; frauds; illegitimacy; lie; spuriousness; swindle; swindling; trickery; untruth |
Schwindel | deceits; deceptions; diddles; frauds; hoodwinkings; impostures | bungling; cheating; con; deceit; deception; defalcation; dizziness; double-cross; embezzlement; fraud; frauds; mess; messing; swindle; swindling; tampering |
Täuschungen | deceptions |
Related Words for "deceptions":
deceptions form of deception:
the deception (deceit; fraud; cheating; swindling; double-cross)
the deception (lie; deceit; falsehood; untruth; cheating; fooling)
die Lüge; die Unwahrkeit; die Schummelei; die Schwindelei; die Täuschung; die Gaukelei; die Irreführung -
the deception (fraud; swindle; deceit; con; frauds)
der Betrug; der Schwindel; die Schwindelei; die Hintergehung; die Fälschung; die Irreführung; die Betrügerei; die Hehlerei; die Bauernfängerei; die Gaukelei