
Detailed Translations for faller from English to German


Translation Matrix for faller:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- feller; logger; lumberjack; lumberman

Synonyms for "faller":

Related Definitions for "faller":

  1. a person who falls1
    • one of them was safe but they were unable to save the faller1
    • a faller among thieves1
  2. a person who fells trees1

faller form of fall:

to fall verb (falls, fell, falling)

  1. to fall (die; pass away; perish; )
    sterben; umkommen; entschlafen; im Sterben liegen; zugrunde gehen
    • sterben verb (sterbe, stirbst, stirbt, starb, starbt, gestorben)
    • umkommen verb (komme um, kommst um, kommt um, kam um, kamt um, umgekommen)
    • entschlafen verb (entschlafe, entschläfst, entschläft, entschlief, entschlieft, entschlafen)
    • zugrunde gehen verb (gehe zugrunde, gehst zugrunde, geht zugrunde, gang zugrunde, ganget zugrunde, zugrunde gegangen)
  2. to fall (take a nosedive; be overthrown; be a failure)
    fallen; stürzen; hinfallen; ausrutschen; fliegen; stolpern; straucheln; purzeln
    • fallen verb (falle, fällst, fällt, fiel, fielt, gefallen)
    • stürzen verb (stürze, stürzest, stürzt, stürzte, stürztet, gestürzt)
    • hinfallen verb (falle hin, fällst hin, fällt hin, fiel hin, fielt hin, hingefallen)
    • ausrutschen verb (rutsche aus, rutschst aus, rutscht aus, rutschte aus, rutschtet aus, ausgerutscht)
    • fliegen verb (fliege, fliegst, fliegt, flog, flogt, geflogen)
    • stolpern verb (stolpere, stolperst, stolpert, stolperte, stolpertet, gestolpert)
    • straucheln verb (strauchele, strauchelst, strauchelt, strauchelte, straucheltet, gestrauchelt)
    • purzeln verb (purzele, purzelst, purzelt, purzelte, purzeltet, gepurzelt)
  3. to fall (tumble; drop; trip up)
    taumeln; umfallen; umkippen; kippen; purzeln; stolpern
    • taumeln verb (taumele, taumelst, taumelt, taumelte, taumeltet, getaumelt)
    • umfallen verb
    • umkippen verb (kippe um, kippst um, kippt um, kippte um, kipptet um, umgekippt)
    • kippen verb (kippe, kippst, kippt, kippte, kipptet, gekippt)
    • purzeln verb (purzele, purzelst, purzelt, purzelte, purzeltet, gepurzelt)
    • stolpern verb (stolpere, stolperst, stolpert, stolperte, stolpertet, gestolpert)
  4. to fall (drop; sink; tumble)
    senken; einsacken; durchfallen; fallen; sinken; setzen; sausen; zinken; einstürzen; herabsacken; einschlafen; einsinken; einschlummern; durchrasseln; aus Zink; segeln; einpacken; versenken; versinken; abrutschen; sickern; verzinken; herunterrutschen; einnicken; galvanisieren
    • senken verb (senke, senkst, senkt, senkte, senktet, gesenkt)
    • einsacken verb (sacke ein, sackst ein, sackt ein, sackte ein, sacktet ein, eingesackt)
    • durchfallen verb (falle durch, fällst durch, fällt durch, fiel durch, fielt durch, durchgefallen)
    • fallen verb (falle, fällst, fällt, fiel, fielt, gefallen)
    • sinken verb (sinke, sinkst, sinkt, sank, sankt, gesunken)
    • setzen verb (setze, setzt, setzte, setztet, gesetzt)
    • sausen verb (sause, sausest, saust, sauste, saustet, gesaust)
    • zinken verb (zinke, zinkst, zinkt, zinkte, zinktet, gezinkt)
    • einstürzen verb (stürze ein, stürzest ein, stürzt ein, stürzte ein, stürztet ein, eingestürzt)
    • herabsacken verb (sacke herab, sackst herab, sackt herab, sackte herab, sacktet herab, herabgesackt)
    • einschlafen verb (schlafe ein, schläfst ein, schläft ein, schlief ein, schlieft ein, eingeschlafen)
    • einsinken verb (sinke ein, sinkst ein, sinkt ein, sinkte ein, sinktet ein, eingesinkt)
    • einschlummern verb (schlummere ein, schlummerst ein, schlummert ein, schlummerte ein, schlummertet ein, eingeschlummert)
    • durchrasseln verb (durchrassele, durchrasselst, durchrasselt, durchrasselte, durchrasseltet, durchrasselt)
    • aus Zink verb
    • segeln verb (segele, segelst, segelt, segelte, segeltet, gesegelt)
    • einpacken verb (packe ein, packst ein, packt ein, packte ein, packtet ein, eingepackt)
    • versenken verb (versenke, versenkst, versenkt, versenkte, versenktet, versenkt)
    • versinken verb (versinke, versinkst, versinkt, versank, versankt, versunken)
    • abrutschen verb (rutsche ab, rutscht ab, rutschte ab, rutschtet ab, abgerutscht)
    • sickern verb (sickere, sickerst, sickert, sickerte, sickertet, gesickert)
    • verzinken verb (verzinke, verzinkst, verzinkt, verzinkte, verzinktet, verzinkt)
    • herunterrutschen verb (rutsche herunter, rutschst herunter, rutscht herunter, rutschte herunter, rutschtet herunter, heruntergerutscht)
    • einnicken verb (nicke ein, nickst ein, nickt ein, nickte ein, nicktet ein, eingenickt)
    • galvanisieren verb (galvanisiere, galvanisierst, galvanisiert, galvanisierte, galvanisiertet, galvanisiert)
  5. to fall (end up at; land)
    enden; hinkommen; hingelangen
    • enden verb (ende, endest, endet, endete, endetet, geendet)
    • hinkommen verb (komme hin, kommst hin, kommt hin, kam hin, kamt hin, hingekommen)
  6. to fall (go to the dogs; perish; go to wrack and ruin; go to pieces; be killed)
    untergehen; zugrunde gehen
    • untergehen verb (untergehe, untergehst, untergeht, untergang, untergangt, untergegangen)
    • zugrunde gehen verb (gehe zugrunde, gehst zugrunde, geht zugrunde, gang zugrunde, ganget zugrunde, zugrunde gegangen)
  7. to fall (chuck; tumble)
    werfen; schmeißen
    • werfen verb (werfe, wirfst, wirft, warf, warft, geworfen)
    • schmeißen verb (schmeiße, schmeißest, schmeißt, schmißt, schmissen, geschmissen)
  8. to fall (fall into; fall in; tumble down; tumble into)

Conjugations for fall:

  1. fall
  2. fall
  3. falls
  4. fall
  5. fall
  6. fall
simple past
  1. fell
  2. fell
  3. fell
  4. fell
  5. fell
  6. fell
present perfect
  1. have fallen
  2. have fallen
  3. has fallen
  4. have fallen
  5. have fallen
  6. have fallen
past continuous
  1. was falling
  2. were falling
  3. was falling
  4. were falling
  5. were falling
  6. were falling
  1. shall fall
  2. will fall
  3. will fall
  4. shall fall
  5. will fall
  6. will fall
continuous present
  1. am falling
  2. are falling
  3. is falling
  4. are falling
  5. are falling
  6. are falling
  1. be fallen
  2. be fallen
  3. be fallen
  4. be fallen
  5. be fallen
  6. be fallen
  1. fall!
  2. let's fall!
  3. fallen
  4. falling
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

fall [the ~] noun

  1. the fall (autumn)
    der Herbst
  2. the fall (autumn)
    die Herbstzeit
  3. the fall (decline; decrease; downfall; crash)
    die Abnahme; Fallen; der Rückgang; die Senkung; die Schrumpfung; Sinken
  4. the fall (landing)
  5. the fall (relapse; decline; caving in; )
    der Rückfall; der Zusammenbruch; die Depression; die Schwäche; der Rückgang; die Flaute; Einstürzen; der Einsturz; der Niedergang
  6. the fall (decrease; deduct)
    der Rückgang; die Abnahme; die Verminderung; die Verringerung
  7. the fall (drop in prices; reduction; rebate; )
    die Ermäßigung; der Rabatt; die Reduzierung; der Nachlaß; die Preissenkung; der Skonto; die Baisse; die Rezession; die Reduktion; die Herabsetzung; der Konjunkturrückgang
  8. the fall (collapse; falling down)
    Einstürzen; Hinfallen; Niederfallen

Translation Matrix for fall:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
Abnahme crash; decline; decrease; deduct; downfall; fall acquiring; acquisition; buy; buying; diminishing; lessening; obtaining; procurance; purchase; purchasing
Baisse discount; drop in prices; fall; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness
Depression caving in; collapse; collapsing; decline; fall; falling down; relapse; sagging dejection; depression; low; low pressure area; malaise; recession; slump
Einsturz caving in; collapse; collapsing; decline; fall; falling down; relapse; sagging bereavement; bust-up; caving in; collapse; collapses; collapsing; contra; crash; demerit; disadvantage; loss; sagging; slump; smash; suffering; toppling downs
Einstürzen caving in; collapse; collapsing; decline; fall; falling down; relapse; sagging collapses; collapsing; death; decease; toppling downs
Ermäßigung discount; drop in prices; fall; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness cut; deduction; discount; rebate
Fallen crash; decline; decrease; downfall; fall; landing tumble
Flaute caving in; collapse; collapsing; decline; fall; falling down; relapse; sagging calm
Herabsetzung discount; drop in prices; fall; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness allowance; belittlement; cut; deduction; degradation; demotion; discount; disgracement; dishonering; disrating; pay cut; rebate; relief; salary cut
Herbst autumn; fall
Herbstzeit autumn; fall
Hinfallen collapse; fall; falling down
Konjunkturrückgang discount; drop in prices; fall; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness
Nachlaß discount; drop in prices; fall; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness bequest; discount; estate; heirloom; hereditament; heritage; inheritance; legacy; legate; portion; yard
Niederfallen collapse; fall; falling down
Niedergang caving in; collapse; collapsing; decline; fall; falling down; relapse; sagging abatement; decadence; decline
Preissenkung discount; drop in prices; fall; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness deflation; detraction; drop in price; fall in price; price cut; price reduction
Rabatt discount; drop in prices; fall; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness discount; rebate; reduction
Reduktion discount; drop in prices; fall; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness allowance; cut; decrease; deduction; deflation; discount; drop in price; fall in price; price cut; price reduction; rebate; reduction; relief
Reduzierung discount; drop in prices; fall; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness allowance; cut; deduction; deflation; discount; drop in price; fall in price; price cut; price reduction; rebate; relief
Rezession discount; drop in prices; fall; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness economic recession; recession
Rückfall caving in; collapse; collapsing; decline; fall; falling down; relapse; sagging recidivism; relapse
Rückgang caving in; collapse; collapsing; crash; decline; decrease; deduct; downfall; fall; falling down; relapse; sagging abatement; atavism; curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decay; decrease; deterioration; diminution; dwindling; economy; falling off; finance management; foreshortening; market; putrefaction; recess; reduction; reductions; retrenchment; reversion; rotting; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening
Schrumpfung crash; decline; decrease; downfall; fall cut; degradation; disgracement; dishonering; emotionale outburst; eruption; explosion; falling-out; outburst; pay cut; salary cut; shrinkage; shrivelling; withering
Schwäche caving in; collapse; collapsing; decline; fall; falling down; relapse; sagging blunder; deficiency; feebleness; flaw; frailty; gap; imperfection; impotence; impressionability; lack; powerlessness; shortcoming; slackness; trivial; want; weak point; weakness
Senkung crash; decline; decrease; downfall; fall bulge; curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decrease; degradation; diminution; dip; disgracement; dishonering; dwindling; economy; finance management; foreshortening; glen; inclination; letting down; lowness; market; pay cut; recess; reduction; retrenchment; sag; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening; slope
Sinken crash; decline; decrease; downfall; fall collapsing; going down; plummeting; sliding; slumping
Skonto discount; drop in prices; fall; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness cash discount; deflation; discount; drop in price; fall in price; price cut; price reduction; rebate; reduction
Stürzen fall; landing tumble
Verminderung decrease; deduct; fall curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decrease; degradation; diminishing; diminution; disgracement; dishonering; dwindling; economy; finance management; foreshortening; lessening; market; pay cut; recess; reduction; retrenchment; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening; toning down; weakening
Verringerung decrease; deduct; fall curtailment; cut; cut down expenses; decrease; degradation; diminishing; diminution; disgracement; dishonering; dwindling; economy; finance management; foreshortening; market; pay cut; recess; reduction; retrenchment; salary cut; saving; shortening; slackening; toning down; weakening
Zusammenbruch caving in; collapse; collapsing; decline; fall; falling down; relapse; sagging bust-up; calamity; catastrophe; caving in; collapse; collapsing; crash; disadvantage; downfall; drawback; ruin; sagging; slump; smash
während der Landung aufsetzen fall; landing
- autumn; capitulation; crepuscle; crepuscule; declension; declination; decline; declivity; descent; dip; downfall; downslope; drop; dusk; evenfall; free fall; gloam; gloaming; nightfall; pin; spill; surrender; tumble; twilight
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
abrutschen drop; fall; sink; tumble be going down hill; go under; prolapse; sag; sink; slide down; slide off; slip off; subside
aus Zink drop; fall; sink; tumble
ausrutschen be a failure; be overthrown; fall; take a nosedive blunder; delay; fall flat; fall over; glide; make a slip; postpone; skid; skim; slide; slip; slip up; slither; sneak; steal; topple over; trip
durchfallen drop; fall; sink; tumble drip; drop; pitter; race; trickle
durchrasseln drop; fall; sink; tumble
einnicken drop; fall; sink; tumble doze off; drop off; drowse off
einpacken drop; fall; sink; tumble bale; bind in boards; board; bulge out; capture; carton; catch; crate; grab; grip; obsess; pack; package; put in boards; sag; seize; trap; wrap; wrap up
einsacken drop; fall; sink; tumble be going down hill; bulge out; cave in; collapse; crumble down; give way; go under; prolapse; relapse; sag; sink; sink in; slump; subside
einschlafen drop; fall; sink; tumble die; doze off; drop off; drowse off; expire; pass away
einschlummern drop; fall; sink; tumble die; doze off; drop off; drowse off; expire; pass away
einsinken drop; fall; sink; tumble be going down hill; bulge out; cave in; collapse; crash; crouch; crumble down; dive in; give way; go under; huddle up; hunch up; perish; plunge; prolapse; relapse; sag; set; sink; slump; submerge; subside; succumb; suffer; topple down
einstürzen drop; fall; sink; tumble be going down hill; bend; cave in; collapse; crash; crash down; crumble down; fall down; give way; go under; implode; perish; prolapse; relapse; sag; set; sink; slump; submerge; subside; succumb; suffer; topple down
enden end up at; fall; land arrive at; bring to a close; bring to a conclusion; bring to an end; come; come to an end; come to rest; conclude; decide; draw to an end; end; end up; finish; finish off; land; run down; stop; terminate; turn out; wind up
entschlafen be killed; be killed in action; depart this earth; depart this life; die; fall; pass away; perish; succumb be on one's deathbed; decease; die; expire; pass away
fallen be a failure; be overthrown; drop; fall; sink; take a nosedive; tumble be going down hill; clear; clear the table; decline; delay; empty the table; fall flat; fall over; go under; perish; postpone; prolapse; regress; sag; set; sink; slip; somersault; submerge; subside; succumb; suffer; thunder; topple over; trip; tumble; waining
fliegen be a failure; be overthrown; fall; take a nosedive fly; somersault; tumble
galvanisieren drop; fall; sink; tumble galvanise; galvanize
herabsacken drop; fall; sink; tumble glide down; slide down
herunterrutschen drop; fall; sink; tumble glide down; go under; perish; set; sink; slide down; submerge; succumb; suffer
hinein fallen fall; fall in; fall into; tumble down; tumble into
hinein stürzen fall; fall in; fall into; tumble down; tumble into
hinfallen be a failure; be overthrown; fall; take a nosedive flop down; plop down; plump down; somersault; tumble
hingelangen end up at; fall; land
hinkommen end up at; fall; land arrive; be accurate; be correct; come down; end up somewhere; get through; land; pass
im Sterben liegen be killed; be killed in action; depart this earth; depart this life; die; fall; pass away; perish; succumb be hungry; die; hunger; starve
kippen drop; fall; trip up; tumble angle; flip; lean; overturn; slant; somersault; tilt; tip; tip over; tumble; turn over
purzeln be a failure; be overthrown; drop; fall; take a nosedive; trip up; tumble somersault; tumble
sausen drop; fall; sink; tumble bellow; crackle; cry out; roar; rustle; scream; shout; shriek; sough; yell
schmeißen chuck; fall; tumble cast; chuck down; drop; drop off somewhere; fling; fling down; flop; get through; heave; hurl; pass; pitch; throw; throw down; thunder; topple
segeln drop; fall; sink; tumble go sailing; head for; make for; sail; steer for
senken drop; fall; sink; tumble go under; impregnate; lower; mark down; perish; reduce; set; sink; submerge; succumb; suffer
setzen drop; fall; sink; tumble bet with shares; bring down; build; bulge out; conjecture; decline; deposit; erect; establish; lay; laydown; make a move; mobilise; mobilize; move over; place; put down; raise; regress; sag; set; set down; set up; settle down; sit down; situate; speculate; station; take down; take your seat; waining
sickern drop; fall; sink; tumble drip; drip out; drop; go under; leak through; mess; ooze; ooze away; perish; pitter; seep; seep away; set; sink; submerge; succumb; suffer; trickle
sinken drop; fall; sink; tumble be ruined; bear; become lower; clear

Related Words for "fall":

  • falling, falls, fallen

Synonyms for "fall":

Antonyms for "fall":

Related Definitions for "fall":

  1. the act of surrendering (usually under agreed conditions)1
  2. a sudden drop from an upright position1
  3. a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity1
    • a fall from virtue1
  4. a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity1
  5. a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity1
  6. a movement downward1
    • the rise and fall of the tides1
  7. a sudden decline in strength or number or importance1
    • the fall of the House of Hapsburg1
  8. when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat1
  9. a downward slope or bend1
  10. the time of day immediately following sunset1
    • they finished before the fall of night1
  11. the season when the leaves fall from the trees1
    • in the fall of 19731
  12. pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind1
    • fall into a trap1
    • She fell ill1
    • They fell out of favor1
    • fall asleep1
    • fall prey to an imposter1
    • fall into a strange way of thinking1
    • she fell to pieces after she lost her work1
  13. decrease in size, extent, or range1
    • The cabin pressure fell dramatically1
    • her weight fell to under a hundred pounds1
    • his voice fell to a whisper1
  14. come as if by falling1
    • Night fell1
    • Silence fell1
  15. go as if by falling1
    • Grief fell from our hearts1
  16. occur at a specified time or place1
    • Christmas falls on a Monday this year1
    • The accent falls on the first syllable1
  17. begin vigorously1
    • The prisoners fell to work right away1
  18. be born, used chiefly of lambs1
    • The lambs fell in the afternoon1
  19. come out; issue1
    • silly phrases fell from her mouth1
  20. be cast down1
    • his eyes fell1
  21. assume a disappointed or sad expression1
    • Her face fell when she heard that she would be laid off1
    • his crest fell1
  22. fall or flow in a certain way1
  23. move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way1
    • The barometer is falling1
    • The curtain fell on the diva1
    • Her hand went up and then fell again1
  24. descend in free fall under the influence of gravity1
    • The branch fell from the tree1
    • The unfortunate hiker fell into a crevasse1
  25. drop oneself to a lower or less erect position1
    • She fell back in her chair1
    • He fell to his knees1
  26. lose an upright position suddenly1
    • The vase fell over and the water spilled onto the table1
    • Her hair fell across her forehead1
  27. slope downward1
    • The hills around here fall towards the ocean1
  28. move in a specified direction1
    • The line of men fall forward1
  29. be inherited by1
    • The estate fell to my sister1
  30. fall to somebody by assignment or lot1
    • The task fell to me1
    • It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims1
  31. come into the possession of1
  32. be captured1
    • The cities fell to the enemy1
  33. to be given by assignment or distribution1
    • The most difficult task fell on the youngest member of the team1
    • The onus fell on us1
    • The pressure to succeed fell on the youngest student1
  34. to be given by right or inheritance1
    • The estate fell to the oldest daughter1
  35. lose office or power1
    • The government fell overnight1
    • The Qing Dynasty fell with Sun Yat-sen1
  36. suffer defeat, failure, or ruin1
    • We must stand or fall1
    • fall by the wayside1
  37. yield to temptation or sin1
    • Adam and Eve fell1
  38. lose one's chastity1
    • a fallen woman1
  39. touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly1
    • Light fell on her face1
  40. die, as in battle or in a hunt1
    • Many soldiers fell at Verdun1
    • Several deer have fallen to the same gun1
    • The shooting victim fell dead1
  41. be due1
    • payments fall on the 1st of the month1
  42. come under, be classified or included1
    • fall into a category1
  43. fall from clouds1
    • rain, snow and sleet were falling1

Wiktionary Translations for fall:

  1. loss of greatness or status
  2. act of moving in gas or vacuum under the effect of gravity from a point to a lower point
  1. be allotted to
  2. become or change into
  3. be brought to earth or be overthrown
  4. come down or descend
  5. move to a lower position under the effect of gravity
  1. bezogen auf Preise oder Kurse: schnell und kräftig fallen
  2. mit dem Kopf voraus hinfallen
  3. (intransitiv) Finanzwesen, Wirtschaft: an Wert verlieren
  4. sterben durch Gewalteinwirkung im Krieg
  5. einnehmen werden
  6. unkontrolliert von oben nach unten bewegen (durch die Gravitation)
  7. auf einen niedrigeren Wert sinken
  8. aus der Hand fallen
  9. herunterfallen von Personen und Gegenstand
  10. Meteorologie: nach und nach schwächer werdender Wind; der Wind lässt allmählich nach
  11. eine hilflose, ungewollte Bewegung nach unten ausführen
  1. plötzliches, heftiges Absinken
  2. heftiger Fall auf den Boden
  3. das Kleinerwerden oder Geringerwerden von etwas, Verringerung, Abnahme
  4. ohne Plural: der Prozess des Zugrundegehens, des Zusammenbrechens
  5. die Art und Weise des Herabhängens von Stoffen o. Ä.
  6. Physik: eine schnelle Abwärtsbewegung
  7. übertragen: unkontrollierte rasche Abwärtsbewegung, wie das Abstürzen in eine Krise
  8. das Herabstürzen von Personen oder Gegenstand; ein Unfall

Cross Translation:
fall fallen vallen — vrijelijk onder invloed van de zwaartekracht naar de aarde bewegen
fall Herbst herfst — seizoen
fall Rückgang; Verringerung; Abnahme daling — het dalen, het lager worden
fall Degradierung; Degeneration; Rückbildung; Entartung; Erniedrigung abaissementaction d’abaisser, de s’abaisser, ou résultat de cette action.
fall Herbst automne — Saison
fall fallen choir — région, (vieilli) entraîner vers le bas par son propre poids, selon la loi d’attraction, à la suite d’une rupture d’équilibre. tomber.
fall Fall; Abfall; Absturz; Sturz chute — Traductions à trier suivant le sens
fall fallen tomber — Être entraîné de haut en bas par son poids