English to German: more detail...
family of brothers and sisters:
The word family of brothers and sisters exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to German.
Detailed Translations for family of brothers and sisters from English to German
family of brothers and sisters: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- family: Familie; Verwandtschaft; Sippe; Sippschaft; Dynastie; Familienbande; Gemeinschaft der Familie; familiäre Beziehungen
- of: von; an der Seite von
- brother: Bruder; Sanitäter; Pfleger; Krankenpfleger; Geistliche; Frater; Klosterbruder
- brothers: Brüder; Ordensleute; Klosterleute; Klosterbrüder
- AND: logisches "Und"; UND
- and: Pluszeichen; und; plus
- sister: Schwester; Schwesterchen; Krankenpflegerin; Nonne
- sisters: Schwestern; Schwesterchen