

Detailed Translations for floridly from English to German


Related Definitions for "floridly":

  1. in a florid manner1
    • floridly figurative prose1

floridly form of florid:

Translation Matrix for florid:

AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- aureate; flamboyant; rubicund; ruddy; sanguine
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
blühend blooming; bright; cheerful; colorful; colourful; florid; flowered blooming; booming; fighting fit; fit; flourishing; healthy; in good health; prospering; prosperous; rosy cheeked; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; thriving; well
farbenfreudig blooming; bright; cheerful; colorful; colourful; florid; flowered colorful; colourful; many coloured; many-coloured; multi-colored; multi-coloured; richly colored; richly coloured
farbenfroh blooming; bright; cheerful; colorful; colourful; florid; flowered colored; colorful; coloured; colourful; high-coloured; many coloured; many-coloured; multi-colored; multi-coloured; richly colored; richly coloured
farbig blooming; bright; cheerful; colorful; colourful; florid; flowered colored; colorful; coloured; colourful; high-coloured; many coloured; many-coloured; multi-colored; multi-coloured; richly colored; richly coloured
frisch blooming; bright; cheerful; colorful; colourful; florid; flowered agile; agitated; airy; aroused; blooming; busily engaged; busy; chaste; chilli; chilly; coldly; colored; colorful; coloured; colourful; contemporary; cool; coolly; engaged; excited; flourishing; fluttered; fresh; freshly-baked; healthy; heated; high-coloured; immaculate; impeccable; little fresh; modern; new; nowadays; occupied; of today; present; present-day; prospering; spotless; tied up; unbroached; unopened; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; unused
geblümt blooming; bright; cheerful; colorful; colourful; florid; flowered blooming; flourishing; healthy; prospering

Related Words for "florid":

Synonyms for "florid":

Related Definitions for "florid":

  1. inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life1
  2. elaborately or excessively ornamented1
    • the senator's florid speech1

External Machine Translations: