
Detailed Translations for wisest from English to German


wise adj

  1. wise (sensible; right-thinking; sane; )
  2. wise (university-educated; erudite; sage; )
  3. wise (astute; clever; intelligent; )
  4. wise (smart; clever)
  5. wise (intelligent; smart; knowledgable; )

Translation Matrix for wise:

AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- fresh; heady; impertinent; impudent; judicious; knowing; overbold; sassy; saucy; smart; wise to
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
aufgeweckt astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise acute; agile; agitated; alert; aroused; astute; biting; bright; brisk; clever; energetic; excited; fluttered; handsome; heated; ingenious; keen; lively; perky; quick; rapid; resourceful; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; skilful; skillful; smart; spirited; vigorous; wily
ausgekocht astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise astute; blackguardly; bright; clever; cunning; false; ingenious; low; mean; nasty; perky; resourceful; roguish; scoundrelly; sharp; shrewd; slick; slippery; sly; smart; underhand; vicious; vile; villainous; wily
ausgeschlafen astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise acute; astute; biting; bright; clever; keen; perky; resourceful; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; smart; wily
behende astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise acute; astute; biting; bright; clever; ingenious; keen; nimble-fingered; nimbly; perky; resourceful; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; skilful; skillful; smart; wily
belesen academic; erudite; learned; lettered; sage; scholarly; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-read; wise
brillant brainy; bright; brilliant; clever; intelligent; knowledgable; sensible; sharp; smart; wise delightful; fanciful; glorious; great; marvellous; marvelous; splendid; wonderful
clever astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise astute; bright; clever; crafty; keen; perky; resourceful; sharp; shrewd; sly; smart; wily
einsichtsvoll bright; clever; intelligent; right-thinking; sane; sensible; smart; wise understanding
flink astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise adroit; agile; astute; bright; brisk; clever; dexterous; enormous; expert; fast; fledged; gigantic; handy; huge; immense; neat; nimble; nimble-fingered; nimbly; perky; prompt; quick; rapid; resourceful; sharp; skilful; skillful; smart; soon; speedy; stupendous; swift; to a huge extent; wily; without delay
flott astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise alert; alluring; appealing; astute; attractive; beautiful; bright; busily engaged; busy; charming; clever; desireable; engaged; fashionable; flashy; good looking; good-looking; handsome; inviting; lovely; nice; occupied; perky; personable; pretty; resourceful; sharp; smart; snap; snappy; snazzy; stylish; tempting; tied up; trendy; wily
gelehrt academic; brainy; bright; brilliant; clever; erudite; intelligent; knowledgable; learned; lettered; sage; scholarly; sensible; sharp; smart; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-read; wise clever; educated; erudite; intellectual; intelligent; practiced; practised; schooled; skilled; smart
genial brainy; bright; brilliant; clever; intelligent; knowledgable; sensible; sharp; smart; wise clever; delightful; excellent; fanciful; fantastic; glorious; great; ingenious; magnificent; marvellous; marvelous; resourceful; splendid; superb; terrific; wonderful
gerissen astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise astute; blackguardly; bright; canny; clever; crafty; cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; perky; resourceful; roguish; ruptured; scoundrelly; sharp; shrewd; slick; slippery; sly; smart; torn; underhand; vicious; vile; villainous; wily
gescheit astute; brainy; bright; brilliant; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; knowledgable; right-thinking; sagacious; sane; sensible; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise able; acute; astute; biting; bright; capable; clever; handsome; ingenious; keen; perky; resourceful; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; skilful; skillful; smart; wily
geschickt astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; right-thinking; sagacious; sane; sensible; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise able; acute; adroit; astute; biting; bright; capable; clever; dexterous; expert; handsome; handy; ingenious; keen; neat; nimble; perky; proficient; resourceful; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; skilful; skillful; smart; useful; wily
geschult academic; erudite; learned; lettered; sage; scholarly; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-read; wise able; adroit; capable; certified; clever; competent; educated; erudite; experienced; ingenious; intelligent; keen; practiced; practised; proficient; qualified; schooled; seasoned; skilful; skilled; skillful; smart; trained
gewandt astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise able; adroit; astute; bright; capable; clever; cunning; dexterous; experienced; expert; false; handy; ingenious; keen; low; mean; nasty; neat; nimble; perky; proficient; resourceful; roguish; seasoned; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smart; underhand; vicious; vile; wily
gewichst astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise astute; bright; clever; cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; perky; resourceful; roguish; sharp; shrewd; slick; slippery; sly; smart; underhand; vicious; vile; wily
gewiegt astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise cunning; shrewd; sly
geübt astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise able; adroit; astute; bright; capable; clever; dexterous; experienced; expert; handy; ingenious; keen; neat; nimble; perky; proficient; resourceful; seasoned; sharp; skilful; skilled; skillful; smart; trained; wily
hinterlistig astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise bad; badly; banal; behind one's back; behind someone's back; below the belt; bogus; coarse; covert; cunning; double-tongued; dubious; evil-minded; faked; false; falsely; feigned; fictitious; foul; grimy; gross; indecent; jarring; low; macabre; malicious; mean; nasty; not genuine; obscure; offensive; ominous; on the sly; pedestrian; problematic; questionable; ribald; roguish; rotten; scary; scurvy; secretive; secretly; shabby; shady; sham; sharp; shifty; shrewd; sinister; slick; slimy; slippery; sly; sneakily; sneaky; spooky; stealthily; stingy; suspect; suspicious; trite; trivial; uncertain; underhand; unmannerly; unreliable; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vicious; vile; vulgar; with evil intention
hochgebildet academic; erudite; learned; lettered; sage; scholarly; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-read; wise
hochgelehrt academic; brainy; bright; brilliant; clever; erudite; intelligent; knowledgable; learned; lettered; sage; scholarly; sensible; sharp; smart; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-read; wise
intelligent astute; brainy; bright; brilliant; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; knowledgable; sagacious; sensible; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise quick-witted
klug academic; astute; brainy; bright; brilliant; clever; crafty; erudite; ingenious; intelligent; knowledgable; learned; lettered; sagacious; sage; scholarly; sensible; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-read; wily; wise able; adroit; astute; bright; capable; clever; dexterous; expert; handy; ingenious; keen; neat; nimble; perky; proficient; quick-witted; rational; resourceful; sensible; sharp; skilful; skillful; smart; wily
listig astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise astute; blackguardly; clever; crafty; cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; resourceful; roguish; scoundrelly; sharp; shrewd; slick; slippery; sly; smart; underhand; vicious; vile; villainous; wily
literarisch gebildet academic; erudite; learned; lettered; sage; scholarly; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-read; wise
nett astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise adorable; agreeable; alluring; amiable; appealing; attractive; beautiful; beloved; benevolent; charming; congenial; cute; dear; easy going; enchanting; endearing; engaging; entrancing; fine; genial; good; good-natured; great; handsome; kind; likable; lovable; lovely; mild; nice; pleasant; pretty; sweet; sympathetic; winsome
pfiffig astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise able; acute; adroit; astute; biting; bright; canny; capable; clever; crafty; cunning; cute; dexterous; expert; handsome; handy; keen; neat; nimble; perky; proficient; resourceful; sharp

Related Words for "wise":

  • wiser, wisest

Synonyms for "wise":

Antonyms for "wise":

Related Definitions for "wise":

  1. improperly forward or bold1
    • Don't get wise with me!1
  2. evidencing the possession of inside information1
  3. marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters1
    • a wise decision1
  4. having or prompted by wisdom or discernment1
    • a wise leader1
    • a wise and perceptive comment1
  5. a way of doing or being1
    • in no wise1
    • in this wise1

Wiktionary Translations for wise:

  1. showing good judgement
  1. mit scharfem Verstand und logischem Denkvermögen ausgestattet; mit gut entwickelter denkenFähigkeit
  2. reich an Wissen und Lebenserfahrung

Cross Translation:
wise weise wijs — van groot inzicht getuigend
wise gescheit; klug; weise; vernünftig; verständig; angemessen; füglich; geeignet; zeitgemäß raisonnable — Qui douer de raison, qui a la faculté de raisonner.
wise weise; klug; vernünftig; gescheit; verständig sage — Qui est prudent, circonspect, judicieux; qui a un sentiment juste des choses. (Sens général).
wise gescheit; klug; weise sensé — Qui a du bon sens, qui a de la raison, du jugement.