English to Spanish: more detail...
bark up the wrong tree:
bark up the wrong tree → estar equivocado
Detailed Translations for bark up the wrong tree from English to Spanish
bark up the wrong tree: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- bark: corteza; chillar; zarpar; tronar; refunfuñar; bramar; ajear; enfurecerse; vociferar; desentonar; despotricar; blasfemar; imprecar; encolerizarse; lanzar blasfemias; soltar palabrotas; soltar un taco; agredir de palabra; despotricar contra; ladrar
- up: por; en; a; animado; ascendente; hacia arriba
- the: lo; el; la; los; las
- wrong: travieso; equivocado; falso; erróneo; incorrecto; impropio; equivocadamente; inexacto; injusticia; erróneamente; equivocamente; revuelto; embrollado; falta; impureza; iniquidad; imperfección; equívocamente
- tree: árbol
Wiktionary Translations for bark up the wrong tree:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• bark up the wrong tree | → estar equivocado | ↔ auf dem falschen Dampfer sein — umgangssprachlich: sich irren |
External Machine Translations: