English to Spanish: more detail...
dressed to kill:
The word dressed to kill exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Spanish.-
Synonyms for "dressed to kill":
dressed; dressed-up; dressed to the nines; dolled up; spruced up; spiffed up; togged up; clothed; clad
Synonyms for "dressed to kill":
Detailed Translations for dressed to kill from English to Spanish
dressed to kill: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- dress: ponerse; vestirse; vestir; vestidura; ropaje; embarazo; ataviarse; vestido; traje; pollera; vestido pequeño; adornar; decorar; disfraz; adorno; vestuario; atuendo; vestimenta; traje regional; uniforme; librea; ropa
- dressed: vestido de etiqueta; vestido
- to: hasta; a; para; hacia; por; en; hasta que; de ahí; por ahí; hacia ahí
- kill: terminar; matar; realizar; efectuar; interrumpir; dar muerte a; poner término a una; poner fin a una; liquidar a una persona; asesinar; ejecutar; abatir; exterminar; hacer sentencia de muerte; someter a ejecución forzosa; carnicería; masacre; matanza de reses
dressed to kill:
Translation Matrix for dressed to kill:
Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | dolled up; dressed; dressed to the nines; dressed-up; spiffed up; spruced up; togged up |
Synonyms for "dressed to kill":
Related Definitions for "dressed to kill":
External Machine Translations: