
Detailed Translations for justness from English to Spanish


justness [the ~] noun

  1. the justness (rightness; soundness)
    la justicia; la justificación

Translation Matrix for justness:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
justicia justness; rightness; soundness Justice; Justice Department; Ministry of Justice; administration of justice; fairness; judiciary; judiciousness; jurisdiction; jurisprudence; justice; moderation; propriety; reasonableness; right; righteousness; seemliness; suitability
justificación justness; rightness; soundness account; accounting; apology; defensibility; excuse; justification; lawfulness; legality; legitimacy; responsibility; rightfulness; settlement of an account; tenability; thinking up a story; vindication; weathering
- justice; nicety; rightness
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- justice; righteousness

Related Words for "justness":

Synonyms for "justness":

Antonyms for "justness":

Related Definitions for "justness":

  1. conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety1
    • it was performed with justness and beauty1
  2. the quality of being just or fair1

Wiktionary Translations for justness:

Cross Translation:
justness justicia justicesentiment de donner à chacun ce qu'il mériter, de manière juste respecter tous les droits d’autrui.

justness form of just:

Translation Matrix for just:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
fiel pious person; religious person
honesto honest person; righteous person; sincere person
honrado honest person; righteous person; sincere person
justo honest person; just person; righteous person; sincere person
recto anus; rectum
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- equitable; fair; good; upright
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- barely; but; exactly; hardly; just now; merely; only; precisely; scarce; scarcely; simply
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
justo quite right
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- just about
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
apenas close; closely; just; narrowly barely; few; hardly; narrowly; scarcely
bueno honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright accurate; agreeable; all right; alright; amiable; appetising; appetizing; at present; attractive; benevolent; charming; correct; delicious; divine; enchanting; enjoyable; entrancing; fine; friendly; good; good-natured; gorgeous; heavenly; honest; in this moment; indeed; kind; lovely; mild; nice; now; nowadays; palatable; pleasant; precise; presently; pretty; right; scrumptious; subtle; sweet; tasty; that's it; well; well mannered; well-behaved; yummy
en breve just; simply adroit; agile; before long; brisk; clever; dexterous; direct; expert; fast; fledged; handy; in a little while; in a word; in brief; in short; in the near future; later; neat; next; nimble; quick; rapid; shortly; skilful; skillful; soon; speedy; straight; swift
en resumidas cuentas just; simply in a word; in brief; in short
en suma just; simply in a word; in brief; in short
en una palabra just; simply in a word; in brief; in short
exacto exactly; just accurate; accurately; careful; carefully counted; conscientious; correct; detailed; exact; exactly; exhaustive; filmy; in detail; measured; meticulous; minutely; painstaking; precise; precisely; punctual; right; scrupulous; stringent; well-aimed
fiel honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright expressive; fair; faithful; honest; loyal; realistic; realistically; true; true-to-nature; truthful
hace poco tiempo even; just; one minute ago; only
honesto honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright agreeable; becoming; chaste; civil; clean; decent; durable; every inch; fair; fine; frank; genial; genuine; good-natured; great; heartfelt; honest; honorable; honourable; in heart and soul; incorruptible; neat; open; pleasant; proper; reliable; reputable; respectable; right; sincere; solid; sound; sporting; substantial; true; undiscussed; upright; virtuous; well mannered; worthy
honrado honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright civil; clean; contemplative; decent; fair; faithful; frank; honest; honorable; honourable; loyal; neat; open; reputable; respectable; right; sincere; sporting; true; upright; virtuous; worthy
justamente even; exactly; just; one minute ago; only accurate; correct; precise; right
justo just accurate; becoming; befitting; clean; contemplative; correct; correctly; exact; fair; firm; fitting; honest; justified; justly; lawful; legitimate; measured; moderate; precise; proper; reasonable; reasoned; right; rightful; sporting; standing-on; staunch; stiff; warranted; well-founded
leal honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright assiduous; committed; dedicated; devoted; diligent; fair; faithful; honest; loyal; zeal
lisa y llanamente just; simply bluntly; flatly
no más que just; only
para ser breve just; simply for the sake of brevity; in a word; in brief; in short
por poco close; closely; just; narrowly barely; hardly; narrowly; scarcely
precisamente exactly; just cunning; exact; precise; right; shrewd; sly; true; truethfull
recien just; just now; recently
recientemente just; just now; recently lately; recently; the other day
recto honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright bolt upright; clear; dead straight; directly; erect; fair; honest; incorruptible; perpendicular; straight; undiscussed; upright
rozando close; closely; just; narrowly narrowly
simplemente just; simply bluntly; briefly; clean; common; in a word; in brief; in short; mean; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; plain; quite common; readily; simply; summarily; thoughtlessly; vile; without detours
sincero honest; honorable; honourable; just; right-minded; righteous; sincere; true-hearted; upright confidential; cordial; cordially; deep; fair; fierce; frank; genuine; heart-felt; heartfelt; heavy; honest; intense; intimate; open; outspoken; plain; private; profound; right; serious; sincere; sporting; straight; straightforward; true; upright; vehement; violent; wholehearted
solamente just; only deserted; desolate; exclusively; forlorn; isolated; lonely; lonesome; quarantined; secluded; sequestered; sole; solitary
sólamente just
sólo just; only deserted; desolate; forlorn; isolated; lonely; lonesome; mere; pure; secluded; sequestered; singular; sole; solitary
únicamente just; only mere; pure; singular; sole; solitary

Related Words for "just":

Synonyms for "just":

Antonyms for "just":

Related Definitions for "just":

  1. free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established standards or rules1
  2. fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience1
  3. used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting1
    • a just and lasting peace1
    • a kind and just man1
    • a just reward1
    • his just inheritance1
  4. of moral excellence1
    • a just cause1
  5. only a very short time before1
    • just missed being hit1
  6. exactly at this moment or the moment described1
    • we've just finished painting the walls, so don't touch them1
  7. and nothing more1
    • just a scratch1
  8. only a moment ago1
    • he has just arrived1
  9. indicating exactness or preciseness1
    • it was just as he said--the jewel was gone1
    • it has just enough salt1
  10. absolutely1
    • I just can't take it anymore1
    • he was just grand as Romeo1

Wiktionary Translations for just:

  1. recently
  2. only, simply, merely
  1. -
  2. factually fair, correct

Cross Translation:
just equitativo; justo rechtvaardig — in overeenstemming met bepaalde ethische beginselen
just recién; sólo pas — even tevoren
just hace un momento zo-even — net, even tevoren
just sencillamente zomaar — op willekeurige wijze, zonder nadenken of voorbereiden
just recien gerade — in diesem Moment oder vor sehr kurzer Zeit
just justo gerechtübereinstimmend mit objektiven Rechtsnormen oder subjektivem Rechtsempfinden
just justo justveraltend: augenblicklich, eben, eben erst, eben gerade, gerade, gerade eben, gerade jetzt, halt, halt gerade, halt jetzt, in dem Augenblick, in diesem Augenblick, in dem Moment, in diesem Moment
just rápido schnellnur adverbiell: in kurzer Zeit
just justo juste — Conforme au droit
just justo juste — Fondé, légitime
just sólo; solamente seulement — Uniquement, rien que… (sens général)