Detailed Translations for mottos from English to Spanish
the mottos (aphorisms)
the mottos (devices)
the mottos (slogans; rallying cries)
the mottos
Translation Matrix for mottos:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
aforismos | aphorisms; mottos | biblical proverbs |
consignas | devices; mottos | countersignals; countersigns; paroles; passwords; promotion lines; slogans |
credos | mottos | |
dichos | aphorisms; mottos | |
divisas | devices; mottos | conversion rate; currency; exchange rate; rate; rate of exchange; value |
eslogans | mottos; rallying cries; slogans | |
eslóganes | mottos; rallying cries; slogans | promotion lines; slogans |
lema | mottos; rallying cries; slogans | battle cry; device; maxim; motto; parole; rhetorical expression; saying; slogan; tag line; war cry |
lemas | devices; mottos |