English to Spanish: more detail...
plan of attack:
The word plan of attack exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Spanish.-
Synonyms for "plan of attack":
approach; attack; conceptualization; conceptualisation; formulation
Synonyms for "plan of attack":
Detailed Translations for plan of attack from English to Spanish
plan of attack: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- plan: planear; planificar; programar; objetivo; meta; proyecto; objeto; plan; plano; mapa; resumen; síntesis; esbozo; croquis; sinopsis; compendio; bosquejo; resumen de la situación; dibujo en boceto; esbozo de la situación; mapa de la ciudad; plan fundamental; tramar; urdir; inventar un plan; concebir un plan; idear un plan
- of: desde; por parte de
- attack: asalto; ataque; atacar; agredir; acometer; asaltar; meter; clavar; perjudicar; estropear; dañar; deshacer; reventar; destruir; lastimar; aplastar; machacar; estrellar; aniquilar; destrozar; romperse; triturar; debilitar; estropearse; deteriorar; estrellarse; lesionar; quebrarse; hacer daño; astillar; causar perjuicio; dar un mate; abastecerse de; hacer pedazos; pegar hasta romper; hacerse añicos; hacerse pedazos; asediar; picar; comerse; corroer; atracarse
plan of attack:
Translation Matrix for plan of attack:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | approach; attack |
Synonyms for "plan of attack":
Related Definitions for "plan of attack":
External Machine Translations: