
Detailed Translations for ruder from English to Spanish


rude adj

  1. rude (ill-mannered; impolite; offensive; )
  2. rude (uncivilized; boorish; uneducated; )
  3. rude
  4. rude (improper; inappropriate; unsuitable; )
  5. rude (indecent; outrageous; improper; )
  6. rude (ill-bred; boorish; unmannerly)

Translation Matrix for rude:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bruto asshole; barbarian; bastard; blackguard; booby; boor; brute; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; cruel person; dolt; duffer; fiend; hulk; ill-mannered brute; jerk; lout; lubber; madman; oaf; prole; rennet; ruffian; shithead; slob; swine; thug; tough; unlicked cub; yokel
equivocado wrong
grosero bastard; booby; boor; boorishness; brute; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; discourtesy; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; lubber; oaf; prole; rude fellow; rudeness; slob; swine; yokel
mal educado bastard; booby; boor; brute; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; lubber; oaf; prole; slob; swine; yokel
maleducado bastard; boor; brute; churl; clumsy fellow; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; prole; slob; swine
mastuerzo bastard; boor; churl; clot; clumsy fellow; dab; dollop; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; lump; prole; slob; swine
palurdo asshole; bastard; booby; boor; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dirty bastard; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; lubber; oaf; prole; slob; son-of-a-bitch; swine; yokel
romo butt-end
torpe bastard; booby; boor; brute; churl; clodhopper; clumsy fellow; dolt; duffer; hulk; ill-mannered brute; lout; lubber; oaf; prole; slob; swine; unlicked cub; yokel
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
erróneo improper; inappropriate; indelicat; out of place; rude; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable amiss; bad; erroneously; failed; false; faulty; inaccurate; incorrect; mistakenly; off; off target; phoney; through an oversight; wrong; wrongly
- bad-mannered; bounderish; crude; ill-bred; ill-mannered; lowbred; natural; primitive; raw; uncivil; underbred; unmannered; unmannerly; yokelish
Not SpecifiedRelated TranslationsOther Translations
inhábil clumsy; loutish
torpe clumsy; loutish
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
aturdido boorish; ill-bred; rude; unmannerly amazed; arrogant; astonished; baffled; blank; blunt; dazed; dazzled; dopey; dozy; drowsy; dull; dumb; dumbfounded; flabbergasted; fuzzy; impudent; in a state; inarticulate; insolent; mindless; muzzy; overbearing; perplexed; presumptuous; rustic; shaken; shameless; sleepy; soporific; speechless; staggered; stunned; stupefied; taken by surprise; upset
bruto boorish; ill-bred; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly abominable; agressive; arrogant; banal; barbaric; beastly; below the belt; bestial; blunt; brutal; coarse; commonplace; cruel; gross; gruesome; heinous; impudent; indecent; inhuman; inhumane; insolent; nasty; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; pityless; presumptuous; rotten; rustic; ruthless; seedy; shabby; shameless; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unprocessed; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; violent; vulgar
crudo improper; inappropriate; indelicat; out of place; rude; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable abominable; barbaric; blunt; brutal; cruel; dizy; gruesome; heinous; inhuman; inhumane; pityless; plain; raw; ruthless; straight; unboiled; unprocessed; weak
desafilado boorish; ill-bred; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly big-boned; blunt; blurred; dull; heavily-built; hefty; out of focus; stocky
desconsiderado improper; inappropriate; indelicat; out of place; rude; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable bold; impolite; inconsiderate; indelicate; indiscrete; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless; uncivil; unfriendly; unkind; unpleasant; unscrupulous
descortés boorish; discourteous; ill-bred; ill-mannered; impertinent; impolite; indecent; insolent; loutish; oafish; offensive; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly arrogant; blunt; impolite; impudent; indecent; indelicate; indiscreet; insolent; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; presumptuous; shameless; untrue
desgarbado rude abstemious; awkward; chubby; clumsy; doltish; fumbling; gawky; heavy; not very good; owlish; plump; poor; rigid; squat; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden
desmañado boorish; ill-bred; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly abstemious; ailing; arrogant; awkward; blunt; bungling; clumsy; doltish; fumbling; gawky; impudent; indecent; inept; insolent; lanky; loutish; maladroit; not very good; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; owlish; poor; presumptuous; rustic; shaky; shameless; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden; wretched
desvergonzado improper; inappropriate; indelicat; out of place; rude; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable arrogant; audacious; ill-mannered; immoral; impertinent; improper; impudent; indecent; indelicate; insolent; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; presumptuous; sanguine; shameless; unfeeling
equivocado improper; inappropriate; indelicat; out of place; rude; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable amiss; bad; erroneously; false; faulty; inaccurate; incorrect; mistakenly; off; off target; through an oversight; wrong; wrongly
grosero boorish; discourteous; ill-bred; ill-mannered; impertinent; impolite; indecent; insolent; loutish; oafish; offensive; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly abominable; abusive; arrogant; barbaric; base; big-boned; bold; brutal; coarse; commonplace; crass; crude; cruel; cunning; doggish; false; gross; gruesome; heavily-built; hefty; heinous; impudent; indecent; inhuman; inhumane; insolent; low; mean; nasty; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; pedestrian; presumptuous; rustic; seedy; shameless; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; stocky; underhand; unsavory; unsavoury; vicious; vile; villainous; vulgar
impropio bad mannered; disgraceful; impertinent; improper; inappropriate; indecent; indelicat; out of place; outrageous; rude; scandalous; shameful; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable amiss; bad; erroneously; false; faulty; figurative; immoral; inaccurate; incorrect; indecent; mistakenly; not suiting; off; off target; through an oversight; wrong; wrongly
incapaz boorish; ill-bred; rude; unmannerly arrogant; impudent; incapable; incompetent; inexpert; inferior; insolent; overbearing; presumptuous; rustic; shameless; unsound
incivilizado boorish; ill-bred; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly blunt
incorrecto bad mannered; disgraceful; impertinent; improper; inappropriate; indecent; indelicat; out of place; outrageous; rude; scandalous; shameful; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable amiss; bad; bold; false; faulty; impolite; improper; inaccurate; inadmissible; incorrect; indecent; indelicate; intolerable; off; off target; phoney; uncivil; unfeeling; unfriendly; unkind; unpleasant; wrong; wrongly
indebido improper; inappropriate; indelicat; out of place; rude; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable figurative
indecente bad mannered; disgraceful; impertinent; improper; inappropriate; indecent; indelicat; out of place; outrageous; rude; scandalous; shameful; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable audacious; bald; base; blackguardly; corrupt; cunning; degenerate; depraved; dirty; disgraceful; disgusting; false; grubby; icy; ill-mannered; immoral; impertinent; improper; in gutter; inappropriate; indecent; indecorous; indelicate; lack of moral; low; mangy; mean; miserable; nasty; objectionable; obscene; offending; offensive; outrageous; pedestrian; perverted; putrefied; roguish; rotten; sanguine; scabby; scandalous; scoundrelly; scurfy; shabby; shameful; sharp; shrewd; sinful; sleek; slippery; slithery; sly; smooth; smoothly; unclean; underhand; unfeeling; unhygienic; vicious; vile; villainous
indecoroso improper; inappropriate; indelicat; out of place; rude; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable immoral; indecent
indelicado improper; inappropriate; indelicat; out of place; rude; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable indelicate; indiscrete
inhábil boorish; ill-bred; rude; unmannerly abstemious; ailing; arrogant; awkward; blunt; bungling; clumsy; doltish; fumbling; gawky; impudent; inept; insolent; lanky; loutish; maladroit; not very good; overbearing; owlish; poor; presumptuous; rustic; shaky; shameless; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden; wretched
inmoral improper; inappropriate; indelicat; out of place; rude; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable amoral; bald; corrupt; cunning; degenerate; depraved; icy; immoral; indecent; lack of moral; obscene; perverted; putrefied; rotten; sleek; slippery; slithery; smooth; smoothly
insolente boorish; ill-bred; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly arrogant; blunt; condescending; doggish; haughty; high-handed; impudent; indecent; insolent; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; presumptuous; pretentious; rustic; self-satisfied; shameless; stuck-up; supercilious; superior
mal criado boorish; ill-bred; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly blunt
mal educado boorish; ill-bred; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly arrogant; audacious; bald; bold; cunning; icy; ill-mannered; immoral; impertinent; impudent; insolent; lack of moral; obscene; overbearing; presumptuous; rustic; sanguine; shameless; sleek; slippery; slithery; smooth; smoothly
maleducado boorish; discourteous; ill-bred; ill-mannered; impertinent; impolite; indecent; insolent; loutish; oafish; offensive; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly arrogant; impolite; impudent; insolent; overbearing; presumptuous; rustic; shameless
mastuerzo boorish; ill-bred; rude; unmannerly abstemious; arrogant; awkward; clumsy; doltish; fumbling; gawky; impudent; insolent; not very good; overbearing; owlish; poor; presumptuous; rustic; shameless; stiff; uneasy; unhandy; wooden
palurdo boorish; ill-bred; rude; unmannerly arrogant; impudent; indecent; insolent; objectionable; offending; offensive; overbearing; presumptuous; rustic; shameless
primitivo boorish; ill-bred; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly crude; primitive; unprocessed
romo boorish; ill-bred; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly blunt; blurred; dull; out of focus
sin delicadeza improper; inappropriate; indelicat; out of place; rude; tactless; uncalled for; unseemly; unsuitable indelicate; indiscrete
torpe boorish; ill-bred; rude; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly abstemious; ailing; angular; arrogant; awkward; bungling; chubby; clumsy; dense; doltish; dull; fumbling; gawky; heavy; impudent; inept; insolent; jittery; jumpy; lanky; loutish; maladroit; nervous; nervy; not very good; obtuse

Related Words for "rude":

Synonyms for "rude":

Antonyms for "rude":

Related Definitions for "rude":

  1. socially incorrect in behavior1
  2. lacking civility or good manners1
  3. belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness1
    • the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man1
  4. (of persons) lacking in refinement or grace1
  5. (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes1
    • bales of rude cotton1

Wiktionary Translations for rude:

  1. bad-mannered

Cross Translation:
rude palurdo; grosero lomp — zich op een onwellevende en onbehouwen manier gedragend, grof, plompebank|lomp3 grof
rude arisco; áspero; brusco; rudo; seco barsch(im übertragenen Sinn) bezüglich Sprache, Handlung: (unfreundlich Unterton durchklingen) rau, (allzu) knapp gefasst
rude basto; grueso grobbezogen auf Materialien: unfein, unbehauen, unbearbeitet, unrein von Stoffen, Oberflächen und Material, ungenau, unscharf
rude rudo; grosero grobbezogen auf Personen: ungelenk, ungeschickt, unerzogen, ungebildet, bäurisch, gewalttätig
rude crudo roh — (umgangssprachlich) ungehobelt, grob
rude rudo rüde — grob, rücksichtslos, roh
rude desvergonzado; impertinente; insolente unverschämt — im Verhalten und in den Äußerungen provozierend und/oder auch agressiv
rude atrevido; impertinente; insolente hardi — Qui ose beaucoup.
rude descortés; grosero; insolente impolipersonne qui n'a aucune politesse.

External Machine Translations: