English to Spanish: more detail...
short-stop bath:
The word short-stop bath exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Spanish.-
Synonyms for "short-stop bath":
stop bath; short-stop; developer
Synonyms for "short-stop bath":
Detailed Translations for short-stop bath from English to Spanish
short-stop bath: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- short: bajo; chico; bajito; seco; brusco; repentino; secamente; pasajero; transitorio; perecedero
- Stop: Detener
- stop: detener; cesar; poner freno a; frenar; suspender; abandonar; renunciar a; empatar; excretar; prescendir de; retraso; demora; prórroga; tardanza; parada; terminar; acordar; decidir; vencer; resolver; ocultar; caducar; no seguir; pararse; concluir; detenerse; expirar; zurcir; taponar; estreñir; quedarse en su lugar; convenir en; decidirse a; quedarse quieto; llenar con masilla; estar inmóvil; apagar; desconectar; alto; cortarse; anudarse; interrumpirse; impedir; retener; restañar; parar; tapar; estorbar; contrarrestar; malograr; obstaculizar; dificultar; contrariar; hacer la contra; llevar la contraria; demorar; demorarse; retardar; aminorar; ganar tiempo
- bath: baño
short-stop bath:
Translation Matrix for short-stop bath:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | short-stop; stop bath |
Synonyms for "short-stop bath":
Related Definitions for "short-stop bath":
External Machine Translations: