English to Spanish: more detail...
- supported:
- soportar; apoyar; poner puntales; sujetar; apuntalar; sostener; afirmar; mantener; apoyar financieramente; conservar; avivar; entusiasmar; provocar; animar; excitar; dar viveza a; propugnar; estar a favor de; defender; abogar por; aprobar; estar de acuerdo; financiar; costear; ayudar; asistir
- apoyo; sostenimiento; respaldo; asidero; sostén; agarrador; agarradero; soporte; ayuda; puntal; asistencia; auxilio social; servicio; ayuda económica; auxilio; mantenimiento; socorro; manutención; entretenimiento; bastidor; armazón; dinero de manutención; pedestal; favor; donación; donativo; estimular; animar; aliento; estimulación; animación; estímulo; activación; envalentonamiento; incitación; contrafuerte; apyo; partidario de; discìpulo de; seguidor de; atención al cliente; prestación de servicios; viga; viga maestra
- support → soporte, apoyo, respaldo
- support → apoyar, sostener, apuntalar, soporte, respaldar
- support → auspiciar, ayudar, apoyar, sostener, amparar, apoyo, arrimar, apuntalar, promocionar, proteger, probar, documentar, promover, auxiliar, asistir, respaldo, empujar, accesorio, accidental, mantener, llevar, patrocinio, aguantar, soportar
Detailed Translations for supported from English to Spanish
Translation Matrix for supported:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
sostenido | agony; pain; torment; torture | |
Modifier | Related Translations | Other Translations |
apoyado | propped; propped up; supported | |
sostenido | propped; propped up; supported | persevered; stood |
Related Words for "supported":
Synonyms for "supported":
Antonyms for "supported":
Related Definitions for "supported":
supported form of support:
to support (prop; shore; prop up)
soportar; apoyar; poner puntales; sujetar; apuntalar-
soportar verb
apoyar verb
poner puntales verb
sujetar verb
apuntalar verb
to support (shore; carry along; carry)
to support (ratify; confirm; validate; uphold; bear out; seal)
to support (aid someone financially; maintain; provide for; back someone)
to support (maintain; keep up; provide for)
to support (stimulate; encourage; arouse; activate; excite; awake)
avivar; entusiasmar; provocar; animar; excitar; dar viveza a-
avivar verb
entusiasmar verb
provocar verb
animar verb
excitar verb
dar viveza a verb
to support (take the view; be of the opinion)
propugnar; estar a favor de; defender; abogar por-
propugnar verb
estar a favor de verb
defender verb
abogar por verb
to support (back up; approve; agree; shore)
to support (finance; back)
to support (help; lend a hand; give a hand)
to support (underpin)
Conjugations for support:
- support
- support
- supports
- support
- support
- support
simple past
- supported
- supported
- supported
- supported
- supported
- supported
present perfect
- have supported
- have supported
- has supported
- have supported
- have supported
- have supported
past continuous
- was supporting
- were supporting
- was supporting
- were supporting
- were supporting
- were supporting
- shall support
- will support
- will support
- shall support
- will support
- will support
continuous present
- am supporting
- are supporting
- is supporting
- are supporting
- are supporting
- are supporting
- be supported
- be supported
- be supported
- be supported
- be supported
- be supported
- support!
- let's support!
- supported
- supporting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they
the support
the support
the support (assistance; welfare; social security; relief)
the support (assistance; help)
the support (assistance; aid; help)
el apoyo; el soporte; la ayuda; el auxilio; el mantenimiento; el socorro; la manutención; el servicio; el sostén; la asistencia; el entretenimiento; el auxilio social -
the support (chassis; stand; leg)
the support (maintenance)
the support (socle; stand; tripod; pillar; column)
the support (favour; service; grace; patronage; goodwill; mass; boon; favor)
the support (motivation; encouragement; stimulation)
the support (encouragement; stimulation; encouraging; cheers; urging; urging on; help; stay; switching on; putting on; turning up; turning on)
el aliento; la estimulación; la animación; el estímulo; la activación; el envalentonamiento; la incitación -
the support (buttress)
the support (buttress)
the support (adhere to; be attached to)
the support (aid; help; assistance)
la ayuda; el apoyo; la asistencia; el auxilio social; el servicio; el auxilio; la atención al cliente; la prestación de servicios -
the support (backing)
the support (supporting beam; joist; prop; buttress)
the support
– The activities and actions performed by customer service representatives to assist customers. 2
Translation Matrix for support:
Related Words for "support":
Synonyms for "support":
Antonyms for "support":
Related Definitions for "support":
Wiktionary Translations for support:
Cross Translation:
something which supports
financial or other help
- support → apoyo
answers and resolution of problems
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• support | → auspiciar; ayudar; apoyar | ↔ steunen — een deel van de last op zich nemen, hulp verlenen |
• support | → sostener | ↔ ondersteunen — helpen, bijstaan |
• support | → amparar; apoyar | ↔ bijstaan — emotioneel ondersteunen |
• support | → apoyo | ↔ Unterstützung — die Hilfe oder Mithilfe von jemandem (oder im übertragenen Sinne auch von etwas) |
• support | → apoyar; arrimar; apuntalar | ↔ abstützen — (transitiv) etwas physisch gegen Herabfallen oder Umfallen sichern |
• support | → promocionar; ayudar; proteger | ↔ abstützen — (transitiv) mit Hilfe einer Person oder einer Sache die Erreichung eines Zieles unterstützen, absichern |
• support | → probar; documentar | ↔ belegen — etwas belegen: den Beweis für etwas erbringen |
• support | → apoyar | ↔ ermuntern — etwas unterstützen und fördern |
• support | → promover | ↔ fördern — jemanden beim Vorankommen unterstützen; zum Erfolg verhelfen |
• support | → ayudar | ↔ unterstützen — (Zusammenarbeit) bei etwas helfen; etwas Hilfreiches hinzugeben |
• support | → arrimar; apoyar | ↔ accoter — appuyer d’un côté pour soutenir. |
• support | → ayudar; auxiliar; asistir | ↔ aider — faciliter l’accomplissement d’une action. |
• support | → apoyo; respaldo | ↔ appui — Ce qui sert à soutenir une chose ou une personne pour l’empêcher de tomber, de chanceler, etc. |
• support | → apoyar; empujar; sostener; amparar | ↔ appuyer — placer contre quelque chose. |
• support | → auxiliar; accesorio; accidental | ↔ auxiliaire — à classer |
• support | → mantener | ↔ maintenir — tenir ferme et fixe. |
• support | → llevar | ↔ porter — soutenir quelque chose ou quelqu’un. |
• support | → patrocinio | ↔ sponsoring — Aide matérielle ou financière apportée par un sponsor. |
• support | → aguantar; soportar | ↔ supporter — porter ; soutenir. |