English to Spanish: more detail...
The word tick-tack-toe exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Spanish.-
Synonyms for "ticktacktoe":
ticktacktoo; tick-tack-toe; tic-tac-toe; tit-tat-toe; noughts and crosses; board game -
Synonyms for "tick-tack-toe":
ticktacktoe; ticktacktoo; tic-tac-toe; tit-tat-toe; noughts and crosses; board game
Synonyms for "ticktacktoe":
Detailed Translations for tick-tack-toe from English to Spanish
tick-tack-toe: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- tick: marcar; mencionar de paso; ponerle visto a; tictac; tocar; cobrar; fomentar; rozar; alterar; interrumpir; excitar; perturbar; trastornar; desordenar; tocar un poco; tocar apenas; tocar un momento; rozar apenas; garrapata; tic
- tack: encadenar; ensartar; navegar; bordear; cambiar de rumbo; hacer una zancadilla; basta; hilván; cruzar; clavar; maniobrar; transigir; crucificar; tachuela; contemporizar; bandearse; virar de bordo; nadar y guardar la ropa; dar una de cal y otra de arena
- toe: dedo gordo del pie; dedo del pie
Translation Matrix for ticktacktoe:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | noughts and crosses; tic-tac-toe; tick-tack-toe; ticktacktoo; tit-tat-toe |
Synonyms for "ticktacktoe":
Related Definitions for "ticktacktoe":
Translation Matrix for tick-tack-toe:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | noughts and crosses; tic-tac-toe; ticktacktoe; ticktacktoo; tit-tat-toe |
Synonyms for "tick-tack-toe":
Related Definitions for "tick-tack-toe":
External Machine Translations: