English to Spanish: more detail...
tried and true:
The word tried and true exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Spanish.-
Synonyms for "tried and true":
tested; time-tested; tried; reliable; dependable
Synonyms for "tried and true":
Detailed Translations for tried and true from English to Spanish
tried and true: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- tried: probado; ensayado; examinado
- try: tratar; intentar; esfuerzo; intento; tentar; testar; poner a prueba; gustar; buscar; comprobar; mirar; probar; corregir; repasar; controlar; ensayar; verificar; catar; examinar; inspeccionar; aquilatar; pasar revista a; someter a prueba; prueba; ensayo; tentativa; experimento; perseguir; condenar; procesar; proseguir; pasar por; sentenciar; enjuiciar; perseguir judicialmente; someter a juicio; probarse; probarse una prenda de vestir; pedir; rogar; solicitar
- and: signo más; y; más
- true: precisamente; calculador; sincero; correcto; honrado; honesto; íntegro; auténtico; de verdad; genuino; verdadero; real; realmente; efectivo; de hecho; fundamental; verdaderamente; esencial; en efecto; de veras; en realidad; intrínseco; en el fondo; substancial; virtualmente; factual; fiel; verídico
tried and true:
Translation Matrix for tried and true:
Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | tested; time-tested; tried |