English to French: more detail...
- awkwardness:
- difficile; dur; compliqué; pénible; péniblement; embarrassant; écrasant; lourd; étreignant; délicat; difficilement; accablant; oppressant; critique; gênant; assommant; pressant; avec peine; déplaisant; désagréable; dérangeant; désagréablement; embarrassé; têtu; entêté; contrariant; obstiné; réticent; inflexible; buté; revêche; inquiétant; épineux; douloureux; peiné; l'air peiné; agaçant; importun; dégingandé; de manière dégindandée; maladroit; malhabile; maladroitement; inopportun
- awkwardness → maladresse
- awkward → inconvenant, embarrassant, maladroit, délicat, incommode, malcommode
- awkward → balourd
- awkward → difficile, délicat, gauche, lourdingue, lourd, précaire, incommode
Detailed Translations for awkwardness from English to French
the awkwardness
the awkwardness (embarrassment; discomfiture)
Translation Matrix for awkwardness:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
embarras | awkwardness; discomfiture; embarrassment | blockage; bother; bustle; difficulty; discomfiture; discomforts; fuss; hassle; hindrance; hustle; hustle and bustle; inconvenience; mess; misery; nuisance; obstacle; obstruction; problems; reserve; restraint; reticence; sense of shame; shame; shyness; timidity; timorousness; trouble; troubles |
gaucherie | awkwardness | botching; bungling; fumblingness; numbness |
gêne | awkwardness; discomfiture; embarrassment | barrier; blockage; bother; discomfiture; hindrance; impediment; inconvenience; interruption; intrusion; nuisance; obstacle; obstruction; reserve; restraint; reticence; shyness; timidity; timorousness; trouble |
incommodité | awkwardness | ailment; flaw; infirmity |
maladresse | awkwardness | blunder; botching; bungling; fiddling; fumblingness; tinkering |
- | clumsiness; cumbersomeness; gracelessness; ineptitude; ineptness; maladroitness; nuisance value; slowness; stiffness; unwieldiness |
Related Words for "awkwardness":
Synonyms for "awkwardness":
Antonyms for "awkwardness":
Related Definitions for "awkwardness":
Wiktionary Translations for awkwardness:
the state or quality of being awkward
- awkwardness → maladresse
awkwardness form of awkward:
awkward (difficult; tough; burdensome; hard; heavy; massive; stiff)
difficile; dur; compliqué; pénible; péniblement; embarrassant; écrasant; lourd; étreignant; délicat; difficilement; accablant; oppressant; critique; gênant; assommant; pressant; avec peine-
difficile adj
dur adj
compliqué adj
pénible adj
péniblement adj
embarrassant adj
écrasant adj
lourd adj
étreignant adj
délicat adj
difficilement adj
accablant adj
oppressant adj
critique adj
gênant adj
assommant adj
pressant adj
avec peine adj
awkward (unpleasant; inconvenient; annoying; bothersome; unwelcome; disagreeable)
déplaisant; désagréable; dérangeant; désagréablement-
déplaisant adj
désagréable adj
dérangeant adj
désagréablement adj
awkward (uncomfortable; ill-at-ease)
embarrassé adj
awkward (against the grain; recalcitrant)
têtu; entêté; contrariant; obstiné; réticent; inflexible; buté; revêche-
têtu adj
entêté adj
contrariant adj
obstiné adj
réticent adj
inflexible adj
buté adj
revêche adj
awkward (critical; precarious; worrisome; perilous; review; painful; hard)
critique; pénible; inquiétant; épineux; embarrassant; gênant; difficile; délicat-
critique adj
pénible adj
inquiétant adj
épineux adj
embarrassant adj
gênant adj
difficile adj
délicat adj
awkward (painful; grievous; full of sadness; pained)
douloureux; pénible; peiné; gênant; l'air peiné-
douloureux adj
pénible adj
peiné adj
gênant adj
l'air peiné adj
awkward (inconvenient; disagreeable; bothersome; exacting)
désagréable; dérangeant; gênant; agaçant; embarrassant; importun; désagréablement-
désagréable adj
dérangeant adj
gênant adj
agaçant adj
embarrassant adj
importun adj
désagréablement adj
awkward (gawky; unhandy; clumsy; lanky; loutish; owlish; doltish)
awkward (clumsy; fumbling)
awkward (embarrassing)
Translation Matrix for awkward:
Related Words for "awkward":
Synonyms for "awkward":
Antonyms for "awkward":
Related Definitions for "awkward":
Wiktionary Translations for awkward:
Cross Translation:
perverse; adverse; untoward
- awkward → inconvenant
not easily managed or effected; embarrassing
- awkward → embarrassant
lacking dexterity in the use of the hands
- awkward → maladroit
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• awkward | → difficile; délicat | ↔ misslich — veraltet: einen ungewissen Ausgang habend, heikel |
• awkward | → difficile; délicat | ↔ misslich — ärgerlich, unangenehm; so, dass etwas nicht angenehm ist |
• awkward | → gauche; lourdingue; lourd | ↔ plump — schwerfällig, unbeholfen |
• awkward | → précaire; difficile; délicat | ↔ prekär — heikel, schwierig, problematisch |
• awkward | → incommode | ↔ unbehaglich — Unbehagen auslösend, unangenehmes Gefühl empfindend |