English to French: more detail...
- illusion:
- illusion → illusion, fantasme
- illusion → illusion, imagination
French to English: more detail...
- illusion; fantasy; phantasy; imagination; figment of the imagination; pipe dream; fabrication; fairytale; delusion; fiction; fable; fib; story; old wive's tale; fallacy; false hopes; wrong notion; pretence; pretext; guise; pretense; mirage; fata morgana; hallucination; chimera; erroneous idea; phantasm; fantasm
- illusion → illusion, delusion, hallucination, figment
- illusion → illusion, wishful thinking
Detailed Translations for illusion from English to French
the illusion (pretence; pretext; guise; pretense)
the illusion (fantasy; phantasy)
the illusion (imagination; fantasy; figment of the imagination; pipe dream; fabrication; phantasy)
la fantaisie; l'imagination; le fantasme; la chimère; l'illusion; la fiction; la figuration; la lubie; l'hallucination -
the illusion (delusion; mirage; fata morgana)
l'hallucination; le mirage; la chimère; le leurre; l'illusion; l'invention; le trompe-l'oeil; l'illusion d'optique -
the illusion
the illusion (delusion; figment of the imagination; chimera; fallacy; mirage; fantasy; erroneous idea; wrong notion; phantasm; fantasm; phantasy)
la chimère; l'anamorphose; le rêve; la vision de rêve; l'illusion; l'hallucination; la vision hallucinatoire -
the illusion (delusion)
the illusion (delusion)
the illusion (delusion; fallacy; false hopes; wrong notion)
Translation Matrix for illusion:
Related Words for "illusion":
Synonyms for "illusion":
Related Definitions for "illusion":
Wiktionary Translations for illusion:
Cross Translation:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• illusion | → illusion | ↔ waan — droomwereld |
• illusion | → imagination | ↔ Einbildung — eine geistige Vorstellung |
• illusion | → illusion | ↔ Illusion — etwas Vorgetäuschtes; Täuschung |
External Machine Translations:
Related Translations for illusion
Detailed Translations for illusion from French to English
l'illusion (image onirique; vision)
l'illusion (fantaisie; imagination; fantasme; chimère; fiction; figuration; lubie; hallucination)
the imagination; the fantasy; the figment of the imagination; the pipe dream; the illusion; the fabrication; the phantasy -
l'illusion (fabulation; fable; conte de fées; fiction; affabulation; invention)
the old wive's tale -
l'illusion (anamorphose; rêve; mirage; vision; fantasme; chimère)
l'illusion (mirage; chimère; trompe-l'oeil; hallucination)
l'illusion (apparence; semblant; leurre; trompe-l'oeil)
l'illusion (hallucination; mirage; chimère; leurre; invention; trompe-l'oeil; illusion d'optique)
l'illusion (illusion d'optique; chimère; mirage; trompe-l'oeil; hallucination)
l'illusion (hallucination; idée; vision; imagination; leurre; chimère; lubie; anamorphose)
the hallucination -
l'illusion (chimère; anamorphose; rêve; vision de rêve; hallucination; vision hallucinatoire)
the delusion; the figment of the imagination; the chimera; the fallacy; the mirage; the illusion; the fantasy; the erroneous idea; the wrong notion; the phantasm; the phantasy; the fantasm -
l'illusion (hallucination; mirage)
Translation Matrix for illusion:
Synonyms for "illusion":
Wiktionary Translations for illusion:
Cross Translation:
magician's trick
anything that seems to be something that it is not
sensory perception of something that does not exist
fabrication, fantasy, invention
- figment → rêve; divagation; rêvasserie; roman; fantasmagorie; utopie; vue de l'esprit; déconnage; fiction; chimère; illusion; vaticination
act of deluding; deception; a misleading of the mind
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• illusion | → illusion | ↔ waan — droomwereld |
• illusion | → illusion | ↔ Illusion — etwas Vorgetäuschtes; Täuschung |
• illusion | → wishful thinking | ↔ Wunschdenken — von Wünschen oder Idealvorstellungen geprägtes Denken, das für die Realität aber nicht zutreffend ist |
External Machine Translations: