English to French: more detail...
and how:
and how → et comment!
and how → et comment -
Synonyms for "and how":
you bet; you said it
Detailed Translations for and how from English to French
and how: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- AND: ET; AND logique; AND
- and: plus; et
- how: quel genre de; comment; de quelle façon
Spelling Suggestions for: and how
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and how:
Translation Matrix for and how:
Adverb | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | you bet; you said it |
Synonyms for "and how":
Related Definitions for "and how":
Wiktionary Translations for and how:
and how
and how
strong confirmation of preceding
- and how → et comment!
Réplique exprimant l’accord sur un avis, une opinion, une idée.
External Machine Translations:
Related Translations for and how
Suggestions for and how in French
Spelling Suggestions for: and how
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External Machine Translations: