English to French: more detail...
single file:
single file → queue leu leu, file indienne -
Synonyms for "single file":
file; Indian file; line
Detailed Translations for single file from English to French
single file: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- single: un; tout seul; un type à part; un drôle de bonhomme; libre; non marié; célibataire; individuel; monoplace; pour une personne; seul; isolé; indépendant; ceinture; petit disgue; non-marié
- File: Fichier
- file: portefeuille; fichier; dossier; classeur; lime; râpe; ranger; archiver; limer; queue; embouteillage; ligne; bande; barre; file; règle; corde; rang; câble; rangs; index; registre; table des matières; cadastre
single file:
Translation Matrix for single file:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | Indian file; file |
Synonyms for "single file":
Related Definitions for "single file":
Wiktionary Translations for single file:
single file
line or queue one person wide
- single file → queue leu leu; file indienne
Related Translations for single file
Detailed Translations for single file from French to English
single file: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- single: singles
- file: file; rank; line; row; stripe
- filer: escape; elude; break away; get away; run away from home; zoom; tail; shadow; ladder; desert; run off; run away; walk out; walk away; be off; walk off; clear off; break away from; go with the wind; make a duck; do a moonlight flit; slip quietly into the night; squeeze out of it; duck out; run; rush; blow; race; hurry; hasten; haste; speed up; scamper; scoot; gallop; sprint; beat it; dash off; move it; dash away; hurry off; scuttle away; hurry away; scamper off; scamper away
- filé: left; absconded