English to French: more detail...
Office of Intelligence Support:
The word Office of Intelligence Support exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to French.-
Synonyms for "office of intelligence support":
Office of Intelligence Support; OIS; agency; federal agency; government agency; bureau; office; authority
Synonyms for "office of intelligence support":
Detailed Translations for Office of Intelligence Support from English to French
Office of Intelligence Support: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- office: bureaux; immeuble de bureaux; organisation; organisme; instance; organe; institut; ministère
- of: en; à; de; du côté de
- intelligence: raison; esprit; génie; intelligence; ingéniosité; intellect; génialité; esprit inventif; faculté de penser; astuce; ruse; habileté; perspicacité; débrouillardise; sagacité; nouvelle; service secret; rusé; malice; à-propos; promptitude; esprit d'à-propos; promptitude à la riposte; réplique prompte; esprit débrouillard; esprit de repartie
- support: soutenir; appuyer; consolider; épauler; fortifier; boiser; prise; point d'appui; service; porter; étançonner; porter avec effort; soutien; appui; secours; aide; support; collaboration; assistance; chevalet; tréteau; entretien; confirmer; valider; sceller; ratifier; entériner; entretenir; conserver; nourrir; pourvoir; se charger de; prendre soin de; avoir soin de; maintenir en état; appuyer financièrement; donner des soins à; animer; activer; raviver; enflammer; stimuler; vivifier; veiller à quelque chose; défendre; plaider; grâce; consentir; approuver; faveur; messe; inciter; exciter; incitation; excitation; encouragement; réconfort; allumage; propulsion; activation; stimulation; mise en marche; étai; financer; adhérer à; être partisan de; socle; piédestal; aider; secourir; étayer; seconder; arc-bouter; chevaler; contrebouter; contre-fiche; soutien pour le dos; appui pour le dos; contrefort
office of intelligence support:
Synonyms for "office of intelligence support":
Office of Intelligence Support:
Translation Matrix for Office of Intelligence Support:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | OIS |