
Detailed Translations for efforts from English to French


efforts [the ~] noun

  1. the efforts (attempt; effort; exertion; )
    la tentative; l'essai; l'effort; l'expérience; le test
  2. the efforts (physical effort; strain; exertions; effort; exertion)
    l'effort; l'effort physique; l'exertion
  3. the efforts (exertions)
    l'efforts physiques; l'efforts

Translation Matrix for efforts:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
effort attempt; effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; physical effort; strain; try attempting; dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; feat of strength; goal; intention; labour of Hercules; objective; scheme; target; trying
effort physique effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; physical effort; strain
efforts efforts; exertions ambition; aspirations; insistence; pains; strain; strains; urgency
efforts physiques efforts; exertions
essai attempt; effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; strain; try account; attempting; composition; essay; experiment; final exam; final examination; final paper; impact; lecture; paper; project; report; test; test drive; test run; testing; thesis; trial run; try; trying
exertion effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; physical effort; strain
expérience attempt; effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; strain; try discovery; experience; experiencing; experiment; finding; going through an experience; inspiration; practice; practise; routine; skill
tentative attempt; effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; strain; try attempting; dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; experiment; goal; impact; intention; objective; scheme; target; trying
test attempt; effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; strain; try exam; examination; experiment; preliminary examination; prelims; test; test run; trial run; try

Related Words for "efforts":

efforts form of effort:

effort [the ~] noun

  1. the effort (objective; goal; intention; )
    l'objectif; le but; le dévouement; l'intention; la tentative; la destination; l'enjeu; l'effort; la cible; l'application; la mise à prix; le dessein; la mise; la consécration
  2. the effort (attempt; efforts; exertion; )
    la tentative; l'essai; l'effort; l'expérience; le test
  3. the effort (physical effort; strain; exertions; exertion; efforts)
    l'effort; l'effort physique; l'exertion
  4. the effort
    le grand effort

Translation Matrix for effort:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
application dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target Commerce Server application; Commerce application; administration; adoption; ambition; ante; app; application; aspirations; assiduity; assiduousness; border; branch of industry; business application; construction; dedication; devotion; diligence; diligentness; exertion; fervor; fervour; fringe; implementation; industriousness; industry; infliction; inset; insistence; passion; practice; practise; program; requests; sector of industry; stakes; trim; trimming; urgency; usage; use; utilisation; utilization; zeal
but dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target aim; aiming at; aiming for; design; final destination; goal; goal post; hit; idea; intent; intention; mark; meaning; object; objective; purport; sense; stature; strive for; target; tendency; tenor; ultimate goal; winner
cible dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target aim; design; final destination; goal; goal post; idea; intention; mark; object; objective; target; target value; ultimate goal
consécration dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target affection; ambition; assiduousness; attachment; blessing; consecration; consecratory celebration; dedication; devotion; diligence; fondness; hallowing; inauguration; initiation; initiation party; ordination; passion; sanctification
dessein dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target aim; design; goal; idea; intention; objective; scheme; will; wish
destination dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target aim; bound for; design; destination; destination provider; destiny; fate; goal; idea; intention; lot; objective; terminus
dévouement dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target affection; ambition; aspirations; assiduousness; attachment; dedication; devotion; diligence; fondness; passion
effort attempt; dedication; devotion; effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; goal; intention; objective; physical effort; scheme; strain; target; try attempting; feat of strength; labour of Hercules; trying
effort physique effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; physical effort; strain
enjeu dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target cash for playing; pool; stakes; wee-wee
essai attempt; effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; strain; try account; attempting; composition; essay; experiment; final exam; final examination; final paper; impact; lecture; paper; project; report; test; test drive; test run; testing; thesis; trial run; try; trying
exertion effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; physical effort; strain
expérience attempt; effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; strain; try discovery; experience; experiencing; experiment; finding; going through an experience; inspiration; practice; practise; routine; skill
grand effort effort
intention dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target aim; aiming at; aiming for; angle; aspect; attitude; composition; conception; design; drift; goal; idea; intent; intention; interpretation; meaning; notion; objective; opinion; orientation on; outlook; perspective; point of view; purport; purpose; reading; scheme; sense; stand; stature; strive for; substance; tendency; tendency toward; tenor; trend; version; view; vision; way of thinking; will; wish
mise dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target ante; application; attire; betting; bid; bill; cash for playing; clothes; construction; gambling; garb; inlay; inset; motion; offer; pool; proposal; request; stakes; usage; use; wee-wee
mise à prix dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target ante; application; inset; price-setting; stakes; usage; use
objectif dedication; devotion; effort; exertion; goal; intention; objective; scheme; target aim; design; goal; idea; intention; mark; object; objective; scheme; target
tentative attempt; dedication; devotion; effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; goal; intention; objective; scheme; strain; target; try attempting; experiment; impact; trying
test attempt; effort; efforts; exertion; exertions; strain; try exam; examination; experiment; preliminary examination; prelims; test; test run; trial run; try
- attempt; campaign; cause; crusade; drive; elbow grease; endeavor; endeavour; exertion; exploit; feat; movement; sweat; travail; try
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
objectif impartial; neutral; objective; unaffected; unbiased; undenominational; unimpaired; unmoved; unperturbed; untouched

Related Words for "effort":

Synonyms for "effort":

Related Definitions for "effort":

  1. a notable achievement1
    • the book was her finest effort1
  2. use of physical or mental energy; hard work1
    • he got an A for effort1
  3. earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something1
    • made an effort to cover all the reading material1
  4. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end1
    • contributed to the war effort1

Wiktionary Translations for effort:

  1. the amount of work involved in achieving something
  1. action de s’efforcer.
  2. Travail, effort
  3. Demande écrite ou verbale (sens générale)

Cross Translation:
effort effort; peine moeite — een grote inspanning
effort effort inspanning — de fysieke moeite die men voor iets doet
effort énergie; effort Aufwand — die benötigen Energie oder Arbeit, um eine Handlung durchführen oder etwas herstellen
effort effort Bemühungzumeist im Plural: Mühen und Anstrengungen, die auf sich genommen werden, um ein bestimmtes Ziel zu erreichen
effort peine; effort; mal; difficulté Mühe — körperliche oder geistige Anstrengung