English to French: more detail...
food turner:
The word food turner exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to French.-
Synonyms for "food turner":
turner; cooking utensil; cookware
Synonyms for "food turner":
Detailed Translations for food turner from English to French
food turner: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- food: sustentation; plat; mets; produits alimentaires; aliment; aliments; alimentation; nourriture; provisions; vivres; victuailles; consommations
- turn: partie; jeu; tour; tourner; virer; détourner; inverser; intervertir; courbe; tournant; rondeur; courbure; bibine; point culminant; faire tourner; faire virer; rouler; transformer; pivoter; tournoyer; se rouler; tourner autour de; faire un mouvement de rotation; graviter autour; changement; revirement; volte-face; changement de cap; bobine; virement de bord; changement de direction; retourner; convertir; rotation; révolution; inversion; renversement; retournement; entourer; contourner; virement; virage; exaspérer; aigrir; courroucer; se rendre amer; rendre amer; changer; feuilleter; chavirer; refluer; pirouetter
- turner: ajusteur-mécanicien
food turner:
Translation Matrix for food turner:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | turner |
Synonyms for "food turner":
Related Definitions for "food turner":
External Machine Translations: