Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
alteration; altering; change; change of form; changing; conversion; reformation; remodelling; transformation; transposition
change; conversion; detour; shifting
alteration; altering; change; change of form; changing; conversion; reformation; remodelling; transformation; transposition
alteration; amendment; barter; bartering; bending; change; change of; change of form; changing; changing to; commutation; conversion; deputizing; detour; exchange; metamorphosis; modification; mutation; permutation; replacement; shifting; substitute; swap; switch; switch-over; swop; trade-in; transfer; transformation; transition; transposition; turn; variation; wheeling and dealing
alteration; altering; change; change of form; changing; conversion; reformation; remodelling; transformation; transposition
barter; bartering; change; change of; conversion; deputizing; detour; exchange; permutation; reduction; replacement; shifting; simplification; substitute; swap; switch; swop; trade-in; transposition; wheeling and dealing
alteration; altering; change; change of form; changing; conversion; reformation; remodelling; transformation; transposition
ascent; boom; civilizing; consequence; cultivating; cultivation; developing time; development; education; effect; evolvement; full growth; growth; increase; increase in scale; maturity; period of boom; polishing; progress; progression; refining; ripeness; scale up
alteration; altering; change; change of form; changing; conversion; reformation; remodelling; transformation; transposition
alteration; amendment; bending; change; change of form; conversion; edit; metamorphosis; modification; mutation; transformation
alteration; altering; change; change of form; changing; conversion; reformation; remodelling; transformation; transposition
change of form; metamorphosis; transformation
alteration; altering; change; change of form; changing; conversion; reformation; remodelling; transformation; transposition
change of form; edition; metamorphosis; operating; redrafting; reorganisation; reorganization; revision; rewrite; transformation
alteration; altering; change; change of form; changing; conversion; reformation; remodelling; transformation; transposition
change of form; conversion; innovation; metamorphosis; re-creation; reform; renewal; transformation
alteration; altering; change; change of form; changing; conversion; reformation; remodelling; transformation; transposition
barter; bartering; business; change; change of; commerce; conversion; deputizing; exchange; goods trade; haggling; interchanges; market; market place; permutation; replacement; shady dealings; substitute; swap; swapping; switch; switch-over; swop; trade; trade-in; trading; transfer; transposition; wheeling and dealing
Not Specified | Related Translations | Other Translations |