
Detailed Translations for shrewdness from English to French


shrewdness [the ~] noun

  1. the shrewdness (cunning; slyness)
    la bassesse; le malin; l'astuce; la ruse; le rusé; la crasse; le malicieux; l'infamie; le dégourdi; la perfidie; la sagacité; la vilenie
  2. the shrewdness (sharp-mindedness; acuteness; discernment; )
  3. the shrewdness (craftiness; cunning; slyness)
    la ruse; la rouerie

Translation Matrix for shrewdness:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
astuce cunning; shrewdness; slyness brightness; cleverness; craftiness; cunning; discernment; guile; insight; intelligence; manoeuver; manoeuvre; ruse; sagacity; slyness; smartness; trick; wiliness
bassesse cunning; shrewdness; slyness disdainfulness; malice; malignity; meanness; nastiness; spite; venomousness; viciousness; virulence; wickedness
compréhension acumen; acuteness; discernment; keen perception; sagacity; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness ability to understand; awareness; brain; comprehension; concept; conception; consciousness; discernment; grasp; idea; insight; intellectual grasp; mental grasp; mind; notion; perception; realisation; realization; reason; understanding
crasse cunning; shrewdness; slyness caboodle; contamination; dinginess; dirt; dirtiness; dirty; dirtyness; filth; filthiness; filthy; griminess; grubbiness; mess; pollution; smut
dégourdi cunning; shrewdness; slyness
esprit d'à-propos acumen; acuteness; discernment; keen perception; sagacity; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness adeptness; cunning; intelligence; keenness; quick-wittedness; sharpness
infamie cunning; shrewdness; slyness defamation; disgrace; ignominy; infamy; scandal; scandalous behaviour; scandalous deed; shame; shameful act; slander
ingéniosité acumen; acuteness; discernment; keen perception; sagacity; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness adeptness; brainpower; brightness; brilliance; cleverness; discernment; dodge; genius; ingenuity; insight; intellect; intelligence; inventiveness; mental capacity; perception; quick-wittedness; resourcefulness; sagacity; sense; sharpness; smartness; thought; understanding; wiliness
intelligence acumen; acuteness; discernment; keen perception; sagacity; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness ability to understand; adeptness; apparition; brain; brainpower; brightness; brilliance; cleverness; comprehension; discernment; dodge; frame of mind; genius; ghost; ghostly apparition; hastiness; humor; humour; hurry; ingenuity; insight; intellect; intellectual grasp; intellectual powers; intelligence; inventiveness; mental capacity; mental grasp; mood; notion; perception; phantom; quick-wittedness; resourcefulness; sagacity; sense; sharpness; smartness; specter; spectre; spook; temper; thought; understanding; wiliness
malicieux cunning; shrewdness; slyness cleverness; sagacity
malin cunning; shrewdness; slyness clever fox; cleverness; sagacity; sly dog; slyboots
perfidie cunning; shrewdness; slyness act of faithlessness; breach of faith; craftiness; cunning; deceit; deceitfulness; disloyalty; down to the minutest details; faithlessness; falseness; falsity; guile; illegitimacy; infidelity; malignity; nicety; perfidy; slyness; sneakiness; spuriousness; subtlety; treacherous quality; treacherousness; unfaithfulness; venomousness; viciousness; virulence; wiliness
perspicacité acumen; acuteness; discernment; keen perception; sagacity; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness adeptness; brightness; cleverness; discernment; insight; intelligence; quick-wittedness; sagacity; sharp-eyedness; sharpness; smartness
pointe aiguë acumen; acuteness; discernment; keen perception; sagacity; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness cunning; keenness; sharpness
promptitude à la riposte acumen; acuteness; discernment; keen perception; sagacity; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness adeptness; cunning; intelligence; keenness; quick-wittedness; sharpness
rouerie craftiness; cunning; shrewdness; slyness craftiness; cunning; down to the minutest details; guile; nicety; slyness; subtlety; wiliness
ruse craftiness; cunning; shrewdness; slyness brightness; cleverness; craftiness; crookedness; cunning; dirty trick; discernment; down to the minutest details; gimmicks; guile; insight; intelligence; manoeuver; manoeuvre; nastiness; nicety; prank; ruse; sagacity; slyness; smartness; stunts; subtlety; trick; trickery; wiliness
rusé cunning; shrewdness; slyness cleverness; intelligence; sagacity; slick operator; slyboots
sagacité acumen; acuteness; cunning; discernment; keen perception; sagacity; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness adeptness; brightness; cleverness; discernment; insight; intelligence; quick-wittedness; sagacity; sharpness; smartness
vilenie cunning; shrewdness; slyness dirty trick; malice; malignity; meanness; nastiness; spite; venomousness; viciousness; virulence; wickedness
- astuteness; perspicaciousness; perspicacity
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
malicieux evil
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
dégourdi agile; agitated; aroused; astute; bright; calculating; canny; clever; cunning; dodgy; excited; fluttered; heated; perky; resourceful; sharp; shrewd; sly; smart; wily
malicieux abominable; amiss; appalling; bad; bitchy; blackguardly; boy-like; boyish; cunning; demonic; detestable; devilish; diabolic; false; faulty; foul; ghastly; hateful; horrible; horrid; ill-fated; inaccurate; incorrect; invidious; malicious; mischievous; naughty; obnoxious; odious; off; off target; ominous; playful; rascally; roguish; satanic; scoundrelly; sinister; slick; sly; snide; spiteful; terrible; unholy; vicious; villainous; waggish; wrong; wrongly
malin astute; bright; calculating; canny; clever; crafty; cunning; demonic; devilish; diabolic; dodgy; false; fantastic; foul; ingenious; intelligent; keen; low; malicious; marvellous; marvelous; mean; nasty; perky; resourceful; right-thinking; roguish; sagacious; sane; satanic; sensible; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smart; terrific; underhand; vicious; vile; wily; wise
rusé astute; bad; behind one's back; bright; calculating; canny; clever; crafty; cunning; demonic; devilish; diabolic; dodgy; false; falsely; foul; indecent; ingenious; intelligent; jarring; low; malicious; mean; nasty; offensive; perky; resourceful; ribald; roguish; sagacious; satanic; scurvy; secretly; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smart; underhand; vicious; vile; wily; wise

Related Words for "shrewdness":

Synonyms for "shrewdness":

Related Definitions for "shrewdness":

  1. intelligence manifested by being astute (as in business dealings)1

Wiktionary Translations for shrewdness:

Cross Translation:
shrewdness astuce Schläue — (praktisches) Wissen und Intelligenz, um bestimmte Ziele zu erreichen


shrewd adj

  1. shrewd (cunning; vicious; mean; )
  2. shrewd (smart; canny; wily; sly)
  3. shrewd (calculating; cunning; sly; dodgy)
  4. shrewd (sly; cunning)
  5. shrewd (clever; astute; resourceful; )
  6. shrewd (astute; clever; intelligent; )

Translation Matrix for shrewd:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bas hose; knee stocking; stocking; stockings
calculateur PC; calculator; computer
dégourdi cunning; shrewdness; slyness
fin cease; concluding observations; concluding piece; concluding remarks; conclusion; end; ending; far end; final; final end; final piece; finale; finish; finishing line; finishing point; in conclusion; knock off; quitting; stopping; termination; terminus; tip
hypocrite dissembler; equivocator; fly boy; hypocrite; sham; shifty character; slick customer; smooth operator; sneak
malin clever fox; cleverness; cunning; sagacity; shrewdness; sly dog; slyboots; slyness
méchant asshole; bastard; dickhead; jackanapes; naughty boy; naughty child; piece of shit; prick; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; shit; shithead
roublard fly boy; shifty character; slick customer; smooth operator; sneak
rusé cleverness; cunning; intelligence; sagacity; shrewdness; slick operator; slyboots; slyness
sournois fly boy; shifty character; slick customer; smooth operator; sneak; sneaks
traître betrayer; collaborator; quisling; squeaker; squealer; traitor; traitor to one's country; traitress; villain
vilain guy; lad; naughty boy; rascal; scamp; youth
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- astute; calculating; calculative; conniving; scheming; sharp
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- artful; knowing
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
adroit astute; bright; calculating; clever; crafty; cunning; dodgy; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise able; adroit; astute; bright; capable; clever; dexterous; easily; easy; effortless; expert; genuine; handy; neat; nimble; not difficult; not hard; perky; proficient; resourceful; serious; sharp; simple; skilful; skilled; skillful; smart; straight; trained; wily
agile astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise able; adroit; agile; brisk; capable; clever; dexterous; easily; easy; effortless; expert; fast; fledged; handy; ingenious; keen; neat; nimble; not difficult; not hard; proficient; quick; rapid; simple; skilful; skillful; speedy; swift
aiguisé cunning; shrewd; sly cunning; dead sharp; roguish; sharpened; slick; sly
astucieusement astute; calculating; canny; clever; crafty; cunning; dodgy; resourceful; shrewd; sly; smart; wily astute; bright; clever; ingenious; keen; perky; resourceful; sharp; skilful; skillful; smart; wily
astucieux astute; bright; calculating; canny; clever; crafty; cunning; dodgy; ingenious; intelligent; resourceful; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise astute; bright; clever; fantastic; ingenious; keen; marvellous; marvelous; perky; resourceful; sharp; silver-tongued; skilful; skillful; smart; terrific; wily
avec astuce cunning; shrewd; sly clever; ingenious; keen; skilful; skillful
avec ruse astute; clever; crafty; cunning; resourceful; shrewd; sly; smart; wily astute; bright; clever; perky; resourceful; sharp; smart; wily
avisé canny; shrewd; sly; smart; wily astute; bright; clever; dyed-in-the-wool; ingenious; keen; perky; resourceful; seasoned; sharp; skilful; skillful; smart; wily
bas cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile banal; base; below the belt; bogus; coarse; faint; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; gross; hushed; in an undertone; low; low-hanging; lying low; mean; muffled; nasty; not genuine; not high; pedestrian; rotten; shabby; sham; stingy; subdued; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vile; villainous; vulgar
bassement cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile banal; base; below the belt; bogus; coarse; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; gross; mean; nasty; not genuine; pedestrian; rotten; shabby; sham; stingy; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vile; villainous; vulgar
brillant astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise beaming; beautiful; bright; brilliant; clever; delightful; fanciful; flaunting; glistening; glittering; glorious; glossy; grand; grandiose; great; highly gifted; ingenious; keen; luminous; marvellous; marvelous; phosphorescent; radiating; reflective; shining; shiny; showing; skilful; skillful; sparkling; splendid; swell; wonderful
calculateur calculating; cunning; dodgy; shrewd; sly
calculé calculating; cunning; dodgy; shrewd; sly thought over
débrouillard astute; bright; calculating; canny; clever; crafty; cunning; dodgy; ingenious; intelligent; resourceful; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise astute; bright; clever; perky; resourceful; sharp; smart; wily
dégourdi calculating; canny; cunning; dodgy; shrewd; sly; smart; wily agile; agitated; aroused; astute; bright; clever; excited; fluttered; heated; perky; resourceful; sharp; smart; wily
fieffé cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile
fin cunning; shrewd; sly acute; astute; biting; bright; clever; cunning; cutting; dainty; delicate; easily hurt; elegant; fine; graceful; handsome; injurious; insulting; keen; lightly built; lovely; nice; nipping; offending; offensive; oversensitive; perky; personable; petite; precarious; pretty; refined; resourceful; roguish; sensitive; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; slender; slick; slight; sly; small-boned; smart; snap; snappy; sophisticated; stylish; subtle; susceptible; tender; thin; wily
futé astute; bright; canny; clever; crafty; cunning; false; ingenious; intelligent; low; mean; nasty; resourceful; sagacious; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slippery; sly; smart; underhand; vicious; vile; wily; wise astute; bright; clever; nimble; perky; quick; resourceful; sharp; smart; wily
habile astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise able; adroit; agile; astute; bright; brisk; capable; clever; competent; considerate; dexterous; efficient; experienced; expert; fantastic; fast; fit; fledged; good; handy; ingenious; keen; marvellous; marvelous; neat; nimble; perky; physically capable; proficient; qualified; quick; rapid; resourceful; sharp; skilful; skilled; skillful; smart; speedy; swift; terrific; trained; wily
hypocrite cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile bad; behind one's back; falsely; feigned; foul; hypocritical; indecent; insincere; jarring; low; mean; nasty; offensive; pretencious; ribald; sanctimonious; scurvy; secretly; stealthily; vicious; vile
ingénieux astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; resourceful; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise astute; bright; clever; creative; ingenious; inventive; keen; perky; resourceful; sharp; skilful; skillful; smart; wily; wise
intelligent astute; bright; canny; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; resourceful; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise able; acute; astute; biting; brainy; bright; brilliant; capable; clever; competent; efficient; good; intelligent; keen; knowledgable; perky; resourceful; right-thinking; sane; sensible; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; smart; wily; wise
judicieux astute; bright; clever; crafty; ingenious; intelligent; sagacious; shrewd; skilful; skillful; sly; smart; wily; wise appropriate; astute; bright; clever; perky; resourceful; sharp; significant; smart; wily
malin astute; bright; calculating; canny; clever; crafty; cunning; dodgy; false; ingenious; intelligent; low; mean; nasty; resourceful; sagacious; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slippery; sly; smart; underhand; vicious; vile; wily; wise astute; bright; clever; cunning; demonic; devilish; diabolic; fantastic; foul; ingenious; intelligent; keen; malicious; marvellous; marvelous; perky; resourceful; right-thinking; roguish; sane; satanic; sensible; sharp; slick; sly; smart; terrific; wily; wise
minable cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile abominable; bad; behind one's back; distressed; falsely; foul; indecent; jarring; lousy; low; meager; meagre; mean; miserable; nasty; offensive; paltry; parched; poor; poverty stricken; ragged; ribald; scurvy; secretly; shabby; shady; terrible; unsightly; vicious; vile; wretched
miteux cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile miserable; paltry; poor; ragged; shabby; shady; unsightly
méchant cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile bad; badly; banal; below the belt; bitchy; bogus; coarse; demonic; devilish; diabolic; doggish; dubious; evil-minded; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; foul; grimy; gross; low; malicious; mean; nasty; not genuine; obscure; pedestrian; problematic; questionable; rotten; satanic; scary; shabby; shady; sham; shifty; sinister; slimy; sly; stingy; suspect; suspicious; trite; trivial; uncertain; unmannerly; unreliable; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; venomous; very malignant; vicious; vile; virulent; vitriolic; vulgar; with evil intention
perfide cunning; false; low; mean; nasty; sharp; shrewd; slippery; sly; underhand; vicious; vile adulterous; bad; badly; behind one's back; bogus; cunning; demonic; devilish; diabolic; disloyal; evil-minded

Related Words for "shrewd":

Synonyms for "shrewd":

Related Definitions for "shrewd":

  1. marked by practical hardheaded intelligence1
    • he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow1
  2. used of persons1

Wiktionary Translations for shrewd:

  1. showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters
  2. artful, tricky or cunning
  3. streetwise
  1. Fin, rusé, adroit
  2. Qui douer de pénétration d’esprit, de sagacité.