
Detailed Translations for squareness from English to French


Synonyms for "squareness":

  • rectangularity; oblongness

Related Definitions for "squareness":

  1. the property of being shaped like a square1

squareness form of square:

Translation Matrix for square:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
carré square forecourt; lozenge; porch; veranda; vestibule; window; window-pane
franc franc
- foursquare; lame; public square; second power; square toes
VerbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- feather; square up
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- hearty; satisfying; solid; straight; straightforward; substantial
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- squarely
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
carré square checked; chequered; indisputable; quadrangular; quadratic; quadrilateral; squarely
carrément blunt; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward aloud; blunt; bluntly; boisterous; clamorous; direct; fair; flatly; forthright; frank; frankly; freely; frontal; genially; honest; loud; loudly; noisy; open; openly; out loud; outright; outspoken; plain; plain-spoken; sincere; straight; straightforward; unconcealed
cru blunt; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward abrupt; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; boisterousness; fierce; furious; improper; inappropriate; indelicat; indelicate; indiscrete; out of place; out of the blue; raw; rude; sudden; suddenly; tactless; tempestuous; unboiled; uncalled for; unexpectedly; unprocessed; unseemly; unsuitable
crûment blunt; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward bluntly
franc blunt; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward accessible; amenable; approachable; blunt; bold; candid; decent; direct; fair; forthright; frank; frankly; frontal; genially; genuine; heartfelt; honest; liberal; neat; open; open-minded; openly; outright; outspoken; plain; plain-spoken; proper; respectable; right; serious; sincere; sporting; straight; straight ahead; straight on; straightforward; true; unabashed; unconcealed; uninhibited; unprejudiced; upright; veritable
franche blunt; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward blunt; fair; forthright; frank; frankly; genially; genuine; heartfelt; honest; open; openly; outright; outspoken; plain; plain-spoken; sincere; straight; straightforward; true; upright
franchement blunt; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward blatant; blunt; bold; candid; decent; direct; downright; fair; forthright; frank; frankly; freely; frontal; genially; genuine; heartfelt; honest; neat; open; openly; outright; outspoken; plain; plain-spoken; proper; respectable; right; sheer; sincere; sporting; straight; straightforward; true; unabashed; unconcealed; uninhibited; upright; veritable
honnête blunt; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward agreeable; benevolent; chaste; decent; fair; fine; frank; genial; genuine; good; good-natured; great; heartfelt; honest; honorable; honourable; just; kind; mild; neat; open; pleasant; proper; reliable; respectable; right; right-minded; righteous; serious; sincere; solid; sound; sporting; straight; true; true-hearted; upright; well-behaved
honnêtement blunt; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward chaste; decent; fair; frank; genuine; heartfelt; honest; neat; open; proper; respectable; right; sincere; sporting; true; upright
intègre blunt; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward chaste; fair; frank; genuine; good; heartfelt; honest; honorable; honourable; immaculate; impeccable; incorruptible; just; open; right-minded; righteous; serious; sincere; spotless; straight; true; true-hearted; undiscussed; unspoiled; untainted; upright; well-behaved
sans détours blunt; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward blunt; bluntly; bolt upright; close; close by; coarse; concise; crude; dead straight; direct; erect; even; fair; flat; flatly; frank; frankly; frontal; honest; level; open; openly; perpendicular; pithy; plain; point blank; sincere; smooth; straight; straightforward; succinct; terse; unconcealed; uniform; unwavering; vulgar; without detours
sans fard blunt; crude; explicit; frank; openly; outspoken; overt; plain; square; straight; straightforward unaffected

Related Words for "square":

Synonyms for "square":

Antonyms for "square":

Related Definitions for "square":

  1. rigidly conventional or old-fashioned1
  2. without evasion or compromise1
    • a square contradiction1
  3. leaving no balance1
    • my account with you is now all square1
  4. having four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle1
    • a square peg in a round hole1
    • a square corner1
  5. characterized by honesty and fairness1
    • a square deal1
  6. providing abundant nourishment1
    • four square meals a day1
  7. firmly and solidly1
    • planted his great bulk square before his enemy1
  8. in a square shape1
    • folded the sheet of paper square1
  9. in a straight direct way1
    • ran square into me1
  10. a hand tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles; used to construct or test right angles1
    • the carpenter who built this room must have lost his square1
  11. any artifact having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles1
    • a checkerboard has 64 squares1
  12. an open area at the meeting of two or more streets1
  13. a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views1
  14. someone who doesn't understand what is going on1
  15. the product of two equal terms1
    • gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance1
  16. (geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon1
    • you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides1
  17. something approximating the shape of a square1
  18. make square1
    • square the wood with a file1
  19. raise to the second power1
  20. turn the oar, while rowing1
  21. turn the paddle; in canoeing1
  22. position so as to be square1
    • He squared his shoulders1
  23. pay someone and settle a debt1
    • I squared with him1
  24. be compatible with1
    • one idea squares with another1
  25. cause to match, as of ideas or acts1

Wiktionary Translations for square:

  1. object with four nearly equal straight sides meeting at nearly right angles
  2. polygon
  3. tool
  4. open space in a town
  5. a cell in a grid
  6. second power
  1. shaped like a square
  2. in the names of units
  1. math: to multiply by itself
  1. rendre quitte, libérer des dettes. Il se dit en parlant des personne et des choses.
  2. (mathématiques) multiplier par lui-même, en parlant d'un nombre.
  1. Mathématique : Dont les quatre côtés sont parallèles et égaux entre eux
  2. Marine : voile carrée
  3. Arithmétique : qui a un rapport avec le carré
  4. marine|fr aéro|fr Qualifie un vent quand il est en sens contraire au mouvement de l’aéronef, du navire, etc.
  5. Qui est du côté opposé à celui de son cœur (en supposant que son cœur est du même côté que pour la majorité des être humain), ou encore du côté de celui de la main qui sert à écrire chez la majorité (dans le cas où on parle de soi, car on utilise cet adjectif en adoptant le point de vue de la
  1. Géométrie : figure géométrique plane
  2. Mathématiques : nombre résultant de la multiplication d’un nombre par lui-même
  3. Espace délimité dans un registre, formulaire ou tableau
  4. espace uni et découvert au-devant d’un édifice, d’une place fortifiée.
  5. Espace, lieu public, découvert et environné de bâtiments
  6. colonnes=1
  7. Grande place circulaire à laquelle aboutir plusieurs avenues ou allées.
  8. caractère de ce qui est spécial.
  1. -

Cross Translation:
square carré vierkant — met de vorm van een vierkant
square carré vierkant — geometrische tweedimensionale vorm, bestaande uit 4 gelijke hoeken van 90 graden en 4 zijden met gelijke lengte
square place; rond-point Platz — weitläufige, offene Fläche, die als Betätigungs-,Veranstaltungs-, Erholungs- oder Versammlungsort dient
square carré QuadratMathematik: die zweite Potenz ()
square carré QuadratGeometrie: Viereck mit einheitlicher Kantenlänge und rechten Winkeln; ein Parallelogramm mit vier rechten Winkeln und vier gleichlangen Seiten
square carré Viereckumgangssprachlich: einem Quadrat oder Rechteck ähnliche Form/Figur
square élever au carré quadrierenMathematik: eine Zahl mit sich selbst multiplizieren