Detailed Translations for throw upward from English to French
throw upward:
throw upward (toss in the air; toss up)
lancer; lancer en l'air; jeter en l'air-
lancer verb (lance, lances, lançons, lancez, lancent, lançais, lançait, lancions, lanciez, lançaient, lançai, lanças, lança, lançâmes, lançâtes, lancèrent, lancerai, lanceras, lancera, lancerons, lancerez, lanceront)
lancer en l'air verb
jeter en l'air verb
Translation Matrix for throw upward:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
jeter en l'air | raising; throwing up | |
lancer | raising; throwing up | |
Verb | Related Translations | Other Translations |
jeter en l'air | throw upward; toss in the air; toss up | throw upstairs |
lancer | throw upward; toss in the air; toss up | arrange; be off; begin; break; break into; bring in; bring up; broach; broach a subject; build; build up; cast; come forward with; commence; compose; construct; cough up; cut into; drop; fling; fly; get under way; heave; herald; hurl; initiate; intimate; introduce; introduce somebody to; launch; open; pitch; postulate; prompt; propose; publish; put forward; put on the table; raise; release; ring in; rocket; set in motion; set up; shatter; start; start to; strike up; suggest; take off; take on; throw; throw down; throw in; throw in the air; throw off; throw on the ground; throw up; turn out; undertake |
lancer en l'air | throw upward; toss in the air; toss up |