
Detailed Translations for denser from English to Dutch

denser form of dense:

Translation Matrix for dense:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
dom cathedral; church; cupola; dome
idioot Simple Simon; ass; birdbrain; buffoon; character; clown; daft; drip; dud; duffer; dumbo; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; figure; fool; idiot; imbecile; jerk; loony; lunatic; mad; madcap; madman; mentally disabled; nitwit; numbskull; nutcase; oaf; rattle brain; rattle-brain; silly man; simple mind; simpleton; stupid
AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
achterlijk dense; dull; obtuse; stupid backward; corny; crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; jocular; mad; mentally deficient; mentally retarded; odd; retarded; ridiculous; silly; simple; stupid; waggish
afgesloten closed; dense; shut closed
afgestompt dense; dull; obtuse; stupid
dicht closed; dense; shut locked; sealed
dom dense; dull; obtuse; stupid dumb; foolish; mindless; not sensible; senseless; stupid
gesloten closed; dense; shut aloof; locked; not saying much; reserved; reticent; sealed; taciturn; tight-lipped
hardleers dense; headstrong; mulish; pig-headed
hersenloos dense; dull; obtuse; stupid
idioot dense; dull; obtuse; stupid crazy; daft; demented; feeble-minded; foolish; funny; idiot; idiotic; insane; irrational; mad; mentally retarded; odd; potty; ridiculous; senseless; silly; stupid
onbenullig dense; dull; obtuse; stupid empty-headed; futile; insignificant; meaningless; trifling; trivial; unimportant; unremarkable
onnozel dense; dull; obtuse; stupid empty-headed; naive; simple; wide-eyed
onverstandig dense; dull; obtuse; stupid dumb; foolish; mindless; not sensible; senseless; stupid
stompzinnig dense; dull; obtuse; stupid
stupide dense; dull; obtuse; stupid crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid
verstandeloos dense; dull; obtuse; stupid senseless
- dim; dull; dumb; heavy; impenetrable; obtuse; slow; thick
AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
toe closed; dense; shut ah; come off it; come on; for; please; there; to; towards
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
breinloos dense; dull; obtuse; stupid
dicht opeen dense
geesteloos dense; dull; obtuse; stupid dead; deceased; dopey; dozy; drowsy; dull; lifeless; mindless; muzzy; passed away; sleepy; soporific; spiritless; staggered; stupefied

Related Words for "dense":

  • denseness, denser, densest, densely

Synonyms for "dense":

Related Definitions for "dense":

  1. slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity1
    • so dense he never understands anything I say to him1
  2. having high relative density or specific gravity1
    • dense as lead1
  3. hard to pass through because of dense growth1
    • dense vegetation1
  4. permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter1
    • dense smoke1

Wiktionary Translations for dense:

  1. compact

Cross Translation:
dense dicht; dik; gebonden denseépais, compact, dont les parties nous paraissent plus épaisses ou plus serrées.