
Detailed Translations for depressions from English to Dutch


depression [the ~] noun

  1. the depression
  2. the depression (low)
    de depressie; lage luchtdruk
  3. the depression (dejection; mournfulness; sorrow; )
    de droefenis; het ongeluk; de rouw; het leed; de smart; de pijn; het kruis; de kwel
  4. the depression (low pressure area)
    het lagedrukgebied; de depressie; drukminimum
  5. the depression (melancholy; dejection)
    de melancholie; de droefgeestigheid
  6. the depression (despondency; melancholy; dejection; depression of spirits)
    de somberheid; de zwaarmoedigheid; de neerslachtigheid; gedeprimeerdheid
  7. the depression (malaise; recession; slump; dejection)
    de malaise; de slapheid; de slapte

Translation Matrix for depression:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
depressie depression; low; low pressure area economical crises; low economic activity; slump
droefenis dejection; depression; melancholy; mournfulness; regret; sadness; sorrow; wistfulness grief
droefgeestigheid dejection; depression; melancholy
drukminimum depression; low pressure area
gedeprimeerdheid dejection; depression; depression of spirits; despondency; melancholy
kruis dejection; depression; melancholy; mournfulness; regret; sadness; sorrow; wistfulness cross; shape of a cross; sign of the cross; vital parts
kwel dejection; depression; melancholy; mournfulness; regret; sadness; sorrow; wistfulness misery; misfortune; sorrow; squalor; trouble
lage luchtdruk depression; low
lagedrukgebied depression; low pressure area
leed dejection; depression; melancholy; mournfulness; regret; sadness; sorrow; wistfulness distress; grief; misery; pain; sadness; sorrow
malaise dejection; depression; malaise; recession; slump
melancholie dejection; depression; melancholy
neerslachtigheid dejection; depression; depression of spirits; despondency; melancholy
ongeluk dejection; depression; melancholy; mournfulness; regret; sadness; sorrow; wistfulness accident; adversity; bad luck; calamity; destitution; disaster; evil; misery; misfortune; misère; reverse; squalor; tribulation; trouble
pijn dejection; depression; melancholy; mournfulness; regret; sadness; sorrow; wistfulness distress; grief; misery; pain; sadness; sorrow
rouw dejection; depression; melancholy; mournfulness; regret; sadness; sorrow; wistfulness
slapheid dejection; depression; malaise; recession; slump feebleness; frailty; lack of energy; languor; lethargy; slackness; trivial; weakness
slapte dejection; depression; malaise; recession; slump feebleness; frailty; indolence; inertia; inertness; laziness; lethargy; listlessness; ponderousness; slackness; sloth; slowness; sluggishness; tardiness; trivial; unwieldiness; weakness
smart dejection; depression; melancholy; mournfulness; regret; sadness; sorrow; wistfulness distress; grief; sorrow
somberheid dejection; depression; depression of spirits; despondency; melancholy achromaticity; achromatism; blandness; bleakness; dejectedness; despondency; drabness; dullness; gloom; greyness; monotony; somberness; sombreness
ziekelijke neerslachtigheid depression
zwaarmoedigheid dejection; depression; depression of spirits; despondency; melancholy
- clinical depression; depressive disorder; economic crisis; impression; imprint; low; natural depression; slump
OtherRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- dejection; depression of the ground; downheartedness; hollow; low; negative pressure; vacuum

Related Words for "depression":

  • depressions

Synonyms for "depression":

  • psychological state; mental state
  • slump; economic crisis; financial condition; economic condition
  • natural depression; geological formation; formation
  • sadness; unhappiness
  • Depression; Great Depression; historic period; age
  • low; low pressure; air mass
  • depressive disorder; clinical depression; affective disorder; major affective disorder; emotional disorder; emotional disturbance
  • impression; imprint; concave shape; concavity; incurvation; incurvature
  • angular position
  • push; pushing

Antonyms for "depression":

  • elation; natural elevation

Related Definitions for "depression":

  1. pushing down1
    • depression of the space bar on the typewriter1
  2. sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy1
  3. a sunken or depressed geological formation1
  4. angular distance below the horizon (especially of a celestial object)1
  5. a concavity in a surface produced by pressing1
  6. a state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require clinical intervention1
  7. a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity1
  8. a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment1
  9. an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation1

Wiktionary Translations for depression:

  1. state of mind producing serious long-term lowering of enjoyment
  1. gebied met lage luchtdruk
  2. langdurige inzinking in de economische ontwikkeling

Cross Translation:
depression depressie Depressionallgemein: Niedergeschlagenheit und Freudlosigkeit; Verzweiflung
depression loomheid; slapheid; traagheid; vadsigheid; slapte; stilstand; droefgeestigheid; melancholie; zwaarmoedigheid; weemoed; bedroefdheid; mistroostigheid; somberheid; afmatting; matheid; moeheid; vermoeidheid; vermoeienis; consternatie; ontsteltenis; verbijstering; verslagenheid; aftrek; apathie; dofheid; lusteloosheid; wezenloosheid; moedeloosheid abattementdiminution rapide, d’une durée plus ou moins longue, des forces physiques et des fonctions psychiques.
depression depressie bassin — Zone géographique en dépression
depression crisis crise — médecine|fr changement en bien ou en mal qui survient dans le cours d'une maladie et s'annonce par quelques phénomènes particuliers, comme une excrétion abondante, une hémorragie considérable, des sueurs, un dépôt dans les urines, etc.
depression onderdruk dépression — Basse pression atmosphérique
depression depressie dépression — Affaiblissement de l’énergie physique ou morale
depression droefgeestigheid; melancholie; zwaarmoedigheid; weemoed mélancolie — (term, Histoire de la médecine) désuet|fr bile noire et disposition triste que l’ancienne médecine attribuer à un excès de bile noire.