English to Dutch: more detail...
nominating address:
The word nominating address exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Dutch.-
Synonyms for "nominating address":
nominating speech; nomination; oratory
Synonyms for "nominating address":
Detailed Translations for nominating address from English to Dutch
nominating address: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- nominate: aanraden; aanbevelen; voordragen; nomineren; iemand recommanderen; benoemen; in functie aanstellen; opperen; naar voren brengen; poneren; op het oog hebben
- address: adres; adressering; woonplaats; adresseren; adres aanbrengen; spreekbeurt; lezing; toespraak; rede; voordracht; speech; redevoering; verwijzen; aanspreken; toespreken; internet-e-mailadres; e-mailadres
nominating address:
Translation Matrix for nominating address:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | nominating speech; nomination |