
Detailed Translations for unfeelingly from English to Dutch


Translation Matrix for unfeelingly:

AdverbRelated TranslationsOther Translations
- callously

Synonyms for "unfeelingly":

  • callously

Antonyms for "unfeelingly":

  • feelingly

Related Definitions for "unfeelingly":

  1. in a callous way1
  2. without compassionate feelings1
    • unfeelingly, she required her maid to work on Christmas Day1


Translation Matrix for unfeeling:

AdjectiveRelated TranslationsOther Translations
emotieloos dispassionate; emotionless; hard-hearted; heartless; impassive; indifferent; insensitive; soulless; uncaring; unfeeling
gevoelloos callous; dispassionate; emotionless; hard-hearted; heartless; impassive; indifferent; insensible; insensitive; numb; soulless; uncaring; unfeeling
hard dispassionate; emotionless; hard-hearted; heartless; impassive; indifferent; insensitive; soulless; uncaring; unfeeling aloud; as fast as a bullet; at the top of one's voice; blatant; callous; cruel; hard; hard-handed; harsh; heartless; loud; loudly; lustily; merciless; openly; out loud; pitiless; relentless; rough; ruthless; showy; shrill; stone-hard; very fast; violent
hardvochtig dispassionate; emotionless; hard-hearted; heartless; impassive; indifferent; insensitive; soulless; uncaring; unfeeling callous; cruel; hard; harsh; heartless; merciless; pitiless; relentless; ruthless
harteloos dispassionate; emotionless; hard-hearted; heartless; impassive; indifferent; insensitive; soulless; uncaring; unfeeling
liefdeloos dispassionate; emotionless; hard-hearted; heartless; impassive; indifferent; insensitive; soulless; uncaring; unfeeling
onbehoorlijk improper; indecent; indelicate; unfeeling bad mannered; discourteous; disgraceful; ill-mannered; impertinent; impolite; improper; indecent; insolent; loutish; oafish; offensive; outrageous; rude; scandalous; shameful
onfatsoenlijk improper; indecent; indelicate; unfeeling bad mannered; disgraceful; impertinent; improper; indecent; outrageous; rude; scandalous; shameful
ongehoord improper; indecent; indelicate; unfeeling bad mannered; disgraceful; impertinent; improper; indecent; outrageous; rude; scandalous; shameful
ongevoelig dispassionate; emotionless; hard-hearted; heartless; impassive; indifferent; insensitive; soulless; uncaring; unfeeling impassible; indifferent; insensitive
zielloos dispassionate; emotionless; hard-hearted; heartless; impassive; indifferent; insensitive; soulless; uncaring; unfeeling
- hardhearted; stonyhearted
ModifierRelated TranslationsOther Translations
geen pijn voelend callous; impassive; insensible; numb; unfeeling
niet-voelend callous; impassive; insensible; numb; unfeeling
onpassend improper; indecent; indelicate; unfeeling
onwelgevoegelijk improper; indecent; indelicate; unfeeling

Related Words for "unfeeling":

  • unfeelingly

Synonyms for "unfeeling":

  • hardhearted; stonyhearted; uncompassionate
  • insentient; insensate

Related Definitions for "unfeeling":

  1. devoid of feeling or sensation1
    • unfeeling trees1
  2. devoid of feeling for others1
    • an unfeeling wretch1