English to Swedish: more detail...
residential home for the elderly and senior citizens:
residential home for the elderly and senior citizens → servicehus
Detailed Translations for residential home for the elderly and senior citizens from English to Swedish
residential home for the elderly and senior citizens: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- Home: Startsida; Start; Hem
- home: hem; bostad; boning; residens; boplats; bostads plats; hus; hemma; mentalsjukhus; anstalt; inländsk; inländskt; hem / hemma
- for: för; på; till; hos; i riktning mot
- the: den; det
- elderly: en äldre person; gammal; äldre; gammalt; åldrings-
- and: plustecken; och; samt
- senior: äldsta; senior; äldst; pensionär
- citizen: medborgare; borgare; stadsbo; civilperson; stadsinvånare
- citizens: borgare; medelklassen
Wiktionary Translations for residential home for the elderly and senior citizens:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• residential home for the elderly and senior citizens | → servicehus | ↔ Seniorenwohnheim — Einrichtung, in der Menschen im Alter wohnen und je nach Bedarf betreut und gepflegt werden |