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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations:
The word Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Swedish.-
Synonyms for "food and agriculture organization of the united nations":
Food and Agriculture Organization; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; FAO; United Nations agency; UN agency
Synonyms for "food and agriculture organization of the united nations":
Detailed Translations for Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations from English to Swedish
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- food: kost; föda; näring; förplägnad; rätt; spis; mat; livsmedlar; näringsämne; livsmedel; förnödenhet; proviant; läsk; drinkar; skaffning; förfriskningar; mathållning; näringsmedel
- and: plustecken; och; samt
- agriculture: jordbruk; åkerbruk; agrikultur; agronomi; jordbruksvetenskap; jordbruksnäring
- organization: byrå; organisation; ämbetsverk; kår; samfund; korporation
- of: från; utav; på sidan om
- the: den; det
- unite: ansluta; lägga till; anknyta; samla; samla ihop; sammanfoga; fästa ihop; lägga ihop; sammanställa; sammanfatta; förena; kombinera; sammanlänka; hopkoppla; samlas; förenas; flocka ihop; bunta ihop; ena
- united: förenat; fästat; sammanfogat; hopfästat; sammanfogad; hopfästad; förenad; enigt; enig
- nation: folk; land; nation
- nations: länder; stater; nationer; folkslag; raser; stammar
food and agriculture organization of the united nations:
Synonyms for "food and agriculture organization of the united nations":
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations:
Translation Matrix for Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | FAO; Food and Agriculture Organization |
Related Definitions for "Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations":
External Machine Translations: