English to Swedish: more detail...
National Intelligence Community:
The word National Intelligence Community exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Swedish.-
Synonyms for "national intelligence community":
Intelligence Community; National Intelligence Community; United States Intelligence Community; IC; intelligence; intelligence service; intelligence agency
Synonyms for "national intelligence community":
Detailed Translations for National Intelligence Community from English to Swedish
National Intelligence Community: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- national: national; nationell; nationellt; medborgare
- intelligence: intellekt; förståndsgåvor; förstånd; intelligens; mental förmåga; mental kapacitet; smarthet; nyheter; budskap; tidender; underrättelseväsen; handlingskraft; slagkraft; klokhet; skarpsinne; underrättelse; färmitet; slagfärdighet
- community: grupp; samfund; brödraskap; sällskap; vänkrets; gemenskap; kommunal; samhälle; kommun; gemensamhet; SNMP-grupp
national intelligence community:
Synonyms for "national intelligence community":
National Intelligence Community:
Translation Matrix for National Intelligence Community:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | IC; Intelligence Community; United States Intelligence Community |
Related Definitions for "National Intelligence Community":
External Machine Translations: