English to Swedish: more detail...
cue stick:
The word cue stick exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Swedish.-
Synonyms for "cue stick":
cue; pool cue; pool stick; sports implement
Synonyms for "cue stick":
Detailed Translations for cue stick from English to Swedish
cue stick: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- cue: uppgift; order; anvisning; instruktion; vink; befallning; stickreplik; tips; ledtråd; hint; biljardkö; stångpiska; stack-ikon
- stick: klistra; häfta; klibba; stång; stav; käpp; klistra ihop; skaft; knutpiska; köra fast; klibba fast; limma ihop; hålla fast vid; förbli fäst vid; växel; fastna; stelna; limma; stagnera; försoffas; klibba samman; limma samman; gren; kvist; spö; ättling; lägg; hög fot; sticka; fästa ihop; hålla tillsammans; sintra ihop; slagträ; klubba; hockyklubba; ta ifrån; risa; vara fastbunden; knycka bort; vara fast
cue stick:
Translation Matrix for cue stick:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | cue; pool cue; pool stick |
Synonyms for "cue stick":
Related Definitions for "cue stick":
External Machine Translations: