English to Swedish: more detail...
high mallow:
The word high mallow exists in our database, but we currently do not have a translation from English to Swedish.-
Synonyms for "high mallow":
tall mallow; cheese; cheeseflower; Malva sylvestris; mallow
Synonyms for "high mallow":
Detailed Translations for high mallow from English to Swedish
high mallow: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- high: hög; högt; anticyklon; narkotikarus; påtänd
- MAL: MAL; modelleringsabstraktionslager
- low: botten; bottenläge; låg; lågt; inte högt; elak; med onda avsikter; falsk; slug; falskt; elakt; mua; råma; slugt; dålig; dåligt; skamlig; skamligt; depression; lägsta tiden; nere; lågtryck; bottenrekord; emotionell kris
high mallow:
Translation Matrix for high mallow:
Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
- | Malva sylvestris; cheese; cheeseflower; tall mallow |
Synonyms for "high mallow":
Related Definitions for "high mallow":
External Machine Translations: