Spanish to English: more detail...
- tough; forceful; remarkable; notable; conspicuous; striking; obvious; outstanding; distinct; explicit; pronounced; unmistakable; prominent; eminent; leading; venerable; highranking; noteworthy; worth mentioning; considerable; enormous; substantial; great; respectable; vast; large; big; tall; determined; decided; decisive; resolute; high-placed; high-ranking; highly placed; high-seated; considerably; robust; sizable; generously; distinguished; stately; aristocratic; dignified; grand; pompous; majestic; majestically; solemnly; lofty; high-bred; courageous; brave; bold; valiant; heroic; heroical; apposite; apt; impressive; glorious; princely
- dignitary; notable
- notable → notable
- notable → notable, remarkable
- notable → worth seeing, considerable, noteworthy, remarkable, important, pertinent, relevant, serious, severe, strange, imposing, notable, striking
English to Spanish: more detail...
- notable:
- note:
- notable → notable
- notable → notable, destacable
- notable → notable, afilado, agudo
- note → anotar, denotar, notar, tener en cuenta
- note → nota, billete
- note → exégesis, anotación, anotar, apuntar, nota, comentario, advertencia, glosa, indicación, observació, papelito, constatar, advertir, notar, observar, distinguir, adscribir, consignar, matricular
Detailed Translations for notable from Spanish to English
notable (robusto; bastante)
notable (destacado; característico; curioso; llamativo; típico; saliente)
remarkable; notable; conspicuous; striking; obvious; outstanding; distinct; explicit; pronounced; unmistakable-
remarkable adj
notable adj
conspicuous adj
striking adj
obvious adj
outstanding adj
distinct adj
explicit adj
pronounced adj
unmistakable adj
notable (prominente; destacado; importante; eminente; distinguido; de alto puesto; respetable; honorable; digno de respeto; de alto rango)
prominent; eminent; leading; venerable; highranking-
prominent adj
eminent adj
leading adj
venerable adj
highranking adj
notable (digno de mención; destacable; destacado; memorable)
notable (considerable; enormemente; bastante; grande; gran; significante; enorme; tremendo; inmenso; notablemente; vasto; asombroso; considerablemente; mayor; importante; imponente)
considerable; enormous; substantial; remarkable; conspicuous; notable; great; striking; respectable; vast; large; big; tall-
considerable adj
enormous adj
substantial adj
remarkable adj
conspicuous adj
notable adj
great adj
striking adj
respectable adj
vast adj
large adj
big adj
tall adj
notable (decidido; gallardo; firme; intenso; resuelto; considerable; considerablemente; resoluto; muy fuerte; arrojado; animoso; alentado; corpulento; drástico; de buena salud)
notable (prominente; distinguido)
prominent; eminent; venerable; high-placed; leading; high-ranking; highly placed; high-seated-
prominent adj
eminent adj
venerable adj
high-placed adj
leading adj
high-ranking adj
highly placed adj
high-seated adj
notable (considerable; bastante)
considerable; considerably; substantial; robust; sizable; generously-
considerable adj
considerably adv
substantial adj
robust adj
sizable adj
generously adv
notable (distinguido; de categoría; destacado; real; importante; elegante; soberano; principesco; aristocrático)
distinguished; stately; prominent; aristocratic; dignified; eminent; grand-
distinguished adj
stately adj
prominent adj
aristocratic adj
dignified adj
eminent adj
grand adj
notable (imponente; majestuoso; distinguido)
distinguished; pompous; majestic; majestically; eminent; prominent; aristocratic; solemnly; grand; lofty; high-bred-
distinguished adj
pompous adj
majestic adj
majestically adv
eminent adj
prominent adj
aristocratic adj
solemnly adv
grand adj
lofty adj
high-bred adj
notable (bizarro; fuerza; atrevido; fuerte; animoso; corpulento; sin miedo; arrojado; decidido; esforzado; robusto; alentado; con fuerza; resuelto)
notable (apropiado; asombroso)
notable (adecuado; presentable; conveniente; decente; significante; admirable; convenientemente)
notable (principesco; real; elegante; beato; destacado; importante; distinguido; excelente; soberano; espléndido; solemne; aristocrático; muy hermoso; de postín; de categoría)
el notable
el notable
Translation Matrix for notable:
Related Words for "notable":
Synonyms for "notable":
Wiktionary Translations for notable:
Cross Translation:
worthy of notice; remarkable
worthy of being remarked
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• notable | → worth seeing | ↔ bezienswaardig — interessant om naar te kijken |
• notable | → considerable | ↔ aanmerkelijk — aanzienlijk. |
• notable | → noteworthy; remarkable | ↔ bemerkenswert — Aufmerksamkeit verdienend; so beschaffen, dass es bemerkt werden sollte |
• notable | → considerable; important; pertinent; relevant; serious; severe | ↔ erheblich — beträchtlich, ins Gewicht fallend, wichtig, ernst |
• notable | → remarkable; strange | ↔ merkwürdig — durch Abweichung des Üblichen auffallend; Staunen, Verwunderung oder aber leises Misstrauen bewirkend |
• notable | → important; considerable | ↔ considérable — Qui attirer la considération par l’autorité, l’influence morale ou sociale. |
• notable | → imposing | ↔ imposant — Qui imposer, qui est propre à s’attirer de l’attention, des égards, du respect. |
• notable | → remarkable; notable; noteworthy; striking | ↔ remarquable — Qui mériter d’être remarqué ; qui attirer l’attention. |
Related Translations for notable
Detailed Translations for notable from English to Spanish
notable (striking; remarkable; conspicuous; obvious; outstanding; distinct; explicit; pronounced; unmistakable)
notable (noteworthy; worth mentioning)
notable; digno de mención; destacable; destacado; memorable-
notable adj
digno de mención adj
destacable adj
destacado adj
memorable adj
notable (considerable; enormous; substantial; remarkable; conspicuous; great; striking; respectable; vast; large; big; tall)
enormemente; bastante; grande; gran; significante; enorme; tremendo; inmenso; notablemente; vasto; notable; asombroso; considerable; considerablemente; mayor; importante; imponente-
enormemente adj
bastante adj
grande adj
gran adj
significante adj
enorme adj
tremendo adj
inmenso adj
notablemente adj
vasto adj
notable adj
asombroso adj
considerable adj
mayor adj
importante adj
imponente adj
Translation Matrix for notable:
Related Words for "notable":
Synonyms for "notable":
Related Definitions for "notable":
Wiktionary Translations for notable:
Cross Translation:
person or thing of distinction
- notable → notable
worthy of notice; remarkable
- notable → notable; destacable
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• notable | → notable | ↔ remarquable — Qui mériter d’être remarqué ; qui attirer l’attention. |
• notable | → afilado; agudo | ↔ saillant — Qui avancer, qui sortir en dehors. |
notable form of note:
to note (note down; register; book; record; write down; inscribe; list; enter into)
Conjugations for note:
- note
- note
- notes
- note
- note
- note
simple past
- noted
- noted
- noted
- noted
- noted
- noted
present perfect
- have noted
- have noted
- has noted
- have noted
- have noted
- have noted
past continuous
- was noting
- were noting
- was noting
- were noting
- were noting
- were noting
- shall note
- will note
- will note
- shall note
- will note
- will note
continuous present
- am noting
- are noting
- is noting
- are noting
- are noting
- are noting
- be noted
- be noted
- be noted
- be noted
- be noted
- be noted
- note!
- let's note!
- noted
- noting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they
the note (annotation; scribble; scrawl; statement; report; mentioning)
the note (report)
the note (musical note; tone)
the note (intonation; tone; sound; pitch; timbre; timber)
the note (certificate)
el certificado -
the note (banknote; paper money; folding money)
the note (scribble; scribbling; scrawl)
the note (intonation; timbre; pitch; tone; tone colour; sound; timber)
the note (business note)
– An Outlook item that can be attached to a record's history log. Typically a note contains information regarding a conversation with a customer or other people in the company they work for. 2 -
the note
– Text entered by the user that is displayed to contacts. 2
Translation Matrix for note:
Related Words for "note":
Synonyms for "note":
Antonyms for "note":
Related Definitions for "note":
Wiktionary Translations for note:
Cross Translation:
to record in writing
- note → anotar
to denote, designate
- note → denotar
to annotate
- note → anotar
to notice with care
- note → notar; tener en cuenta
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• note | → exégesis; anotación | ↔ tekstverklaring — uitleg van een tekst (bijv. met bijgeplaatste annotaties) |
• note | → anotar; apuntar | ↔ noteren — aantekeningen maken |
• note | → nota | ↔ aantekening — het aantekenen van iets |
• note | → comentario | ↔ Bemerkung — Äußerung zu einem Thema |
• note | → nota | ↔ Note — Musik: Symbol zur schriftlichen Aufzeichnung eines Tones, dessen Platzierung im Notensystem die Tonhöhe – ausgedrückt im Notennamen – und dessen äußere Gestalt die Tondauer – den Notenwert – anzeigt. Es besteht aus Notenkopf und Hals, größere Notenwerte nur aus dem Notenkopf |
• note | → nota | ↔ Notiz — kurze, stichwortartige Auflistung |
• note | → advertencia; glosa; indicación; nota; observació | ↔ Vermerk — allgemein: ein kurzer schriftlicher Eintrag, eine Anmerkung oder eine Notiz, die der eigenen Erinnerung, als Hinweis für andere und der Kommunikation mit anderen dient |
• note | → papelito; nota | ↔ Zettel — ein Blatt Papier, dessen Größe nicht genormt ist, für Notizen und dergleichen |
• note | → constatar | ↔ feststellen — etwas behaupten, mitteilen |
• note | → constatar | ↔ konstatieren — eine Tatsache feststellen, bemerken |
• note | → advertir; notar; observar; distinguir | ↔ apercevoir — Remarquer une chose qui avait échappé d’abord. |
• note | → adscribir; consignar; matricular | ↔ inscrire — écrire le nom de quelqu’un, ou prendre note, faire mention de quelque chose sur un registre, sur une liste, etc. |
• note | → nota | ↔ note — Marque que l’on inscrire en quelque endroit d’un livre, d’un écrit. |
• note | → notar; apuntar; anotar | ↔ noter — marquer d’un trait dans un livre, dans un écrit. |