Spanish to English: more detail...
entregar el alma:
entregar el alma → give up the ghost
Detailed Translations for entregar el alma from Spanish to English
entregar el alma: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- entregar: provide; supply; send; deliver; ship; bring; furnish; bring around; put up for shipment; extend; pass; give; hand; delate; present with; give to; deliver up; hand over to; send round; order; dispense; surrender; turn in; offer; present; hand over; hand in; book; enter; subscribe; enroll; register; enlist; give up; inscribe; hand down; enrol; yield; cede; donate; allow; transfer; proffer; pay; cash; pay out; pay over
- el: it; the
- él: he
- alma: mind; disposition; heart; character; soul; drive; strength; spirit; momentum; impetus; energy; spunk; gin; thoroughness; jenever; lifeline; lifeblood
Spelling Suggestions for: entregar el alma
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Wiktionary Translations for entregar el alma:
entregar el alma
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Spelling Suggestions for: entregar el alma
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