
Detailed Translations for obispos from Spanish to English


obispos [el ~] noun

  1. el obispos
    the bishops; the clerical authorities

Translation Matrix for obispos:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bishops obispos
clerical authorities obispos

Related Words for "obispos":

obispos form of obispo:

obispo [el ~] noun

  1. el obispo
    the bishop

Translation Matrix for obispo:

NounRelated TranslationsOther Translations
bishop obispo

Related Words for "obispo":

Synonyms for "obispo":

Wiktionary Translations for obispo:

  1. church official

Cross Translation:
obispo bishop BischofChristentum: kirchlicher Würdenträger in einigen Konfessionen, der meist die geistliche und administrative Leitung eines bestimmten Gebietes hat
obispo bishop bisschop — een christelijke geestelijke die aan het hoofd staat van een bisdom
obispo bishop ray; bonnet skate; duckbil ray; duckbill eagle-ray; duckbill ray; eagle ray; flying ray; lady ray; leopard ray; mottled eagle ray; skate; spotted bonnetray; spotted duckbill ray; spotted eagle ray; spotted eagleray; spotted stingray; spotted whipray; sunfish; whip; whip ray; white-spotted eagle ray raie léopard — zoologie|fr raie dont la peau tachetée rappelle vaguement le léopard (Aetobatus narinari), qui se rencontre dans les zones tropicales et subtropicales.
obispo bishop évêque — Chef d'une église chrétienne.

External Machine Translations: