Spanish to French: more detail...
salvajemente → sauvagement -
Synonyms for "salvajemente":
fieramente; bravamente; bárbaramente; ferozmente; atrozmente; bestialmente; brutalmente; cruelmente; inhumanamente
Detailed Translations for salvajemente from Spanish to French
salvajemente: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- salvaje: sauvage; dur; affreux; épouvantable; rude; féroce; atroce; impitoyable; terrible; cruel; brutal; abominable; terrifiant; répugnant; durement; monstrueux; barbare; hideux; brutalement; cruelle; inhumain; rêche; atrocement; cruellement; affreusement; sans pitié; hideusement; inhumainement; diable; diablotin; furieux; aigre; âpre; agressif; rancunier; virulent; ulcéré; enragé; haineux; en colère; âcre; aigri; aigrement; vindicatif; opprimé; irrité; âprement; réprimé; férocement; furieusement; fou de rage; fâché contre; irrité contre
- mente: raison; esprit; génie; intelligence; ingéniosité; intellect; génialité; esprit inventif; faculté de penser; tirelire; bobèche; début; titre; introduction; commencement; en-tête; exorde
Spelling Suggestions for: salvajemente
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Synonyms for "salvajemente":
Wiktionary Translations for salvajemente:
Cross Translation:
From | To | Via |
• salvajemente | → sauvagement | ↔ wildly — in a wild manner |
External Machine Translations:
Suggestions for salvajemente in French
Spelling Suggestions for: salvajemente
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External Machine Translations: