Detailed Translations for unicolor from Spanish to French
unicolor: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- unir: lier; rattacher à; relier; associer; enchaîner; raccordement; assembler; connecter; embrayage; adjoindre; accouplement; enclenchement; joindre; unir; réunir; grouper; joindre ensemble; mettre en communication; passer quelqu'un; garder ensemble; tenir ensemble; créer un panorama
- color: couleur; accent; nuance; teint; teinture; teinte; colorant; coloration; rougeur
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Wiktionary Translations for unicolor:
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Detailed Translations for unicolor from French to Spanish
unicolor: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- uni: colectivo; coherente; reunido; combinado; suave; igual; seguido; astuto; unido; constante; consecutivo; equilibrado; cuco; solidario; solidariamente; unánime; unísono; unánimemente; de forma unánime; al unísono
- coloré: alegre; vivo; lleno de color; abigarrado; de colores vivos; de muchos colores; llamativo; vistoso; colorido; florido; floreciente; de tonos vivos; lleno de flores
- unir: unir; reunir; montar; juntar; conectar; ensamblar; empalmar; conglomerar; hermanar; reconciliar; fraternizar; reconciliarse con
Spelling Suggestions for: unicolor
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