Detailed Translations for de bon cœur from French to English
de bon cœur: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- de: ever since; off; from; out; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; of; on the side of
- dé: dice
- bon: exquisite; delicious; delightful; heavenly; very tasteful; fit; able; good; proficient; capable; considerate; competent; efficient; skilled; qualified; palatable; tasty; scrumptious; yummy; appetizing; appetising; token; voucher; coupon; proper; suitable; effective; agree; right; fine; correct; sincere; just; honest; righteous; upright; honourable; right-minded; true-hearted; honorable; great; pleasant; agreeable; genial; kind; benevolent; mild; kind-hearted; good-natured; gift voucher; gift coupon; gift token
- curé: shepherd; pastor; spiritual caretaker
Wiktionary Translations for de bon cœur:
de bon cœur
having an innately kind disposition or character