French to English: more detail...
cuisson à la vapeur:
cuisson à la vapeur → steaming
Detailed Translations for cuisson à la vapeur from French to English
cuisson à la vapeur: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- cuire: cook; prepare a meal; do the cooking; stew; anneal; seethe; boil with rage; start boiling; reach the boiling point
- son: its; his; one's; her; pitch; note; sound; timber; tone; timbre; intonation; tone colour; gossip; profanity; slander; defamation; scandal; vilification; backbiting; mudslinging; scandal-mongering; whose; wheat bran
- avoir: own; have; possess; deceive; cheat; swindle; hoodwink; diddle; woodwink; assets; property; balance; possessions; ability; capability; capacity; quality; credit note
- à: for; towards; of; from; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; against; on it; on that
- ça: the; it
- la: the
- là: there; over there; that way; at that place; to; on; upon; at; in; up
- vapeur: steam; vapor; vapour; evaporation; thick smoke; emanation; haze; fog; mist; steam-power
Spelling Suggestions for: cuisson à la vapeur
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Wiktionary Translations for cuisson à la vapeur:
cuisson à la vapeur
action of steam on something
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Related Translations for cuisson à la vapeur
Suggestions for cuisson à la vapeur in English
Spelling Suggestions for: cuisson à la vapeur
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