French to English: more detail...
guillemet ouvrant:
guillemet ouvrant → opening quotation mark
Detailed Translations for guillemet ouvrant from French to English
guillemet ouvrant: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- guillemet: quotation mark; inverted comma
- ouvrir: introduce; turn on; unscrew; publish; make public; open; be off; break into; get under way; bring up; broach; put forward; cut into; broach a subject; put on the table; set up; commence; start; undertake; begin; take off; take on; strike up; set in motion; start to; come open; open up; unbolt; prick; pierce; bare; uncover; release; develop; unfold; fray; unravel; undo; loosen; unlock; untie; set free; unbutton; unlace; draw open; work loose; ravel out; push open; press open; clear a way through
Spelling Suggestions for: guillemet ouvrant
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Wiktionary Translations for guillemet ouvrant:
guillemet ouvrant
ponctuation commençant une citation. En français, on utilise le guillemet gauche («).
- guillemet ouvrant → opening quotation mark
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Spelling Suggestions for: guillemet ouvrant
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