French to English: more detail...
à bout de forces:
à bout de forces → exhausted
Detailed Translations for à bout de forces from French to English
à bout de forces: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- avoir: own; have; possess; deceive; cheat; swindle; hoodwink; diddle; woodwink; assets; property; balance; possessions; ability; capability; capacity; quality; credit note
- à: for; towards; of; from; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; against; on it; on that
- ça: the; it
- bouillir: cook; anneal; seethe; boil with rage; start boiling; reach the boiling point
- bout: tip; terminus; far end; lead; cue; clue; hint; pointer; tip-off; butt; share; board; section; end; segment; piece; final; portion; part; small part; stub; stump; toe cap
- de: ever since; off; from; out; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; of; on the side of
- dé: dice
- forcer: enforce; compel; oblige; coerce; force; assault; raid; violate; attack; storm; lay violent hands upon; crack; decode; press on; break open; tear open; force open; extort; oblige to
- forces: powers; power; highvoltage currents
Spelling Suggestions for: à bout de forces
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Related Translations for à bout de forces
Detailed Translations for à bout de forces from English to French
à bout de forces: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- a: un; tout seul; un type à part; un drôle de bonhomme
- bout: fringale
- force: pouvoir; puissance; capacité; pouvoirs; obliger; contraindre; brusquer; contrainte; force; violence; pousser; insister; forcer à faire; obliger à faire; contraindre à faire; pousser à faire; moteur; traction; propulsion; mise en marche; actionnement; force propulsive; imposer; forcer; réussir à imposer; main-d'oeuvre; effectifs; armée; nécessiter; pousser à; obliger à; forcer à; contraindre à; force armée; forces armées; force militaire; forces militaires; ordonner; prescrire; poussée; dicter; enjoindre; force motrice; force de traction; force de propulsion
- forces: force armée; forces armées; poussées; tractions; propulsions; actionnements; forces propulsives
External Machine Translations: