Detailed Translations for contremarche from French to English
contremarche: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- contre: versus; anti; contra; against; onto it; against it; damming
- marche: rung; advance; march; military walking; step; stair; stile; hiking; rambling; in transit; passage through; course; speed; locomotion; full speed
- marché: market place; goods trade; market; opening; consuming market; area of distribution; offer; bargain; proposal; bid; auction-mart
- contrée: area; place; department; county; region; district; province; part of the country; sphere; domain; territory; dominion; zone
Spelling Suggestions for: contremarche
Wiktionary Translations for contremarche:
Partie verticale entre deux marches d'escalier
- contremarche → riser
part of a step
External Machine Translations: