French to English: more detail...
pointe de fusée-sonde:
pointe de fusée-sonde → nose cone
Detailed Translations for pointe de fusée-sonde from French to English
pointe de fusée-sonde: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- pointe: point; peak; summit; top; pinnacle; mountain top; process; projection; protrusion; protuberance; projecting part; spike; gleam; tip; crest; apex; vertex; spot; stain; culmination; blot; speck; spatter; engraver; graver; burin; wire nail; side hit; dirt-mark; etching needle; a dig at somebody
- pointer: nozzle; spout; brand; mark; point; mark with a cross; die; seal; stamp; clock off; clock in; hover
- de: ever since; off; from; out; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; of; on the side of
- dé: dice
- fusée: rocket; rocket bomb
- sonde: explorer; sensor; tentacle; feeler; soil-drill; sensitive person; touchy person
- sonder: measure; gauge; probe; sound; sound out about; approach someone; prospect; explore; search; scan; ransack; rummage; go through; size up the situation; knock on; tap on; get to the bottom; get at the root of
Wiktionary Translations for pointe de fusée-sonde:
pointe de fusée-sonde
astronautique|fr Partie avant carénée d'une fusée-sonde, qui contient en général une charge utile.
- pointe de fusée-sonde → nose cone