Detailed Translations for souffleuse from French to English
souffleuse: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- souffle: sigh; craving; breath; respiration; inhalation; breathing; blowing; puffing; expiration; exhalation; small sigh; light breez; small craving
- usé: decrepit; kicked off; worn with age; used; exploited; threadbare; worn down; worn; dilapidated; worn out; long in the tooth; wearing out one's clothes
- soufflé: soufflé
- souffler: blow; whistle; hum; gasp; puff; pant; wheeze; exchange confidences; breathe out; breathe; inhale; draw breath; tell; prompt; suggest; whisper; whisper in someone's ear; reach; seize; stick; drag; root; grasp; catch; scratch; clutch; caught; grip; yearn; snatch; rout; clasp; pilfer; snout; slave away; snatch away; slog away; toil and moil; rummage about
Spelling Suggestions for: souffleuse
Wiktionary Translations for souffleuse:
person in a theater
a device for clearing a path or road of snow
External Machine Translations:
Detailed Translations for souffleuse from English to French
souffleuse: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- soufflé: soufflé
- use: engager; consacrer; utiliser; appliquer; employer; faire usage de; prendre en service; mise; emploi; application; usage; utilisation; mise à prix; prendre; se servir de; user de; consommation; gaspillage; digestion; dissipation; user; sens; bénéfice; avantage; gain; profit; rendement; utilité; productivité; consumer; dépenser; consommer; digérer; se consumer; se corroder
Spelling Suggestions for: souffleuse
External Machine Translations: