French to English: more detail...
petit pot:
petit pot → jar, potty, potty chair
Detailed Translations for petit pot from French to English
petit pot: (*Using Word and Sentence Splitter)
- petit: inferior; short; inadequate; small; little; diminutive; middling; low-grade; shortish; undersized; infant; child; lass; little girl; little child; young; kitten; cub; puppy; pup; tight; narrow; cramped; petty; diffident; bashfull; narrow minded; toddler; baby; tiny; kid; tot; nipper; minuscule; kiddy; tyke; small child; small one; tiny tot; little kid; tike; bint
- pot: pot; casserole; saucepan; chamber pot; stewpan; cooking-pot; stew-pan; stewing-pan; ewer; tankard; water jug; mug; glass; cup; goblet; drinking glass; jug; coal-scuttle; jar; keg; flagon; cannikin; small cask; small barrel; tot of jenever; nip of jenever; dram of jenever
Spelling Suggestions for: petit pot
Wiktionary Translations for petit pot:
petit pot
Pot de nourriture pour bébé
- petit pot → jar
Pot de chambre de bébé
- petit pot → potty; potty chair
External Machine Translations:
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